The Doctor

11 1 23

Trafalgar Law's Clinic, NWC North District

You had never been so nervous.

Or maybe it was more so that you couldn't remember having a reason to be nervous like this before. During your time with Lucci, there were no feelings of hope or nervous excitement. The closest thing you felt to happiness was when you first woke up, not knowing the situation you were in and making ridiculous assumptions about the totally not handsome stranger you saw next to your bed. You had been driven to get your memories back over the last year, but even then, you weren't sure if you were going to like what you found if you did. The more you were told about your life and the longer you lived it, the more hope and happiness seemed like luxuries you could never afford.

Fleeing CP9 had given you a new exhilarating feeling alone. But ever since you found out your life hadn't always been with them, it felt like something stirred within you. A whisper of hope that you were almost afraid to acknowledge for fear that it might not be true. A hope that maybe there was something more to you than what you thought you were. And if you had been more in the past, maybe you could be something more again. Something more than Lucci's Sparrow.

You had spent most of the ride over half-listening to Kid complain about "lanky emo bastards" while you mentally prepared to keep yourself in check until you had gotten what you came for. Having a smart mouth was helpful when you could use it to rile up or distract an enemy, but it had also gotten you into trouble with Lucci more times than you could count. Not surprisingly, basic social etiquette and 'how to make a good impression on others' were not included in your sensei's training. And you really wanted to make a good impression on who was probably the only doctor willing and able to help you.

"Thanks again for agreeing to see me, Dr. Trafalgar." You twiddled your thumbs in your lap as you sat on the exam table.

"Please, call me Law," he replied, still looking down as his paperwork. His tone was bored, dripping with sarcasm, and you had no idea if he actually meant it.

He started with a standard head-to-toe exam. He took your height, weight, blood pressure, and asked general questions about your health. Luckily, Sabo was able to fill in a lot of blanks for him ahead of time, like your birthday and general medical history, excluding the past three years of course.

As excited as you were to learn even that much, you were more excited at the chance to remember all of that and more on your own. The idea that you were being seen by someone who wasn't being paid by the government to lie to you, that he might find a way to actually help you remember, and so soon. You were basically bursting at the seams.

Law definitely noticed your fidgeting, because he offered you something to "take the edge off" before you had to lay motionless while he used some big tube looking machine to scan your brain. You only took a moment to consider it before you shrugged and nodded eagerly. It definitely couldn't hurt, right?

He handed you two pills in a paper cup and a second paper cup filled with water. You threw back the pills and swallowed them easily with the water he provided. Without missing a beat, you looked up at Law and opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out and down, then lifting it up to show him underneath before snapping your jaw shut again.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh," you started. What were you doing? "I... don't know, actually."

His piercing gaze was almost too much to bear as he questioned you further. "Sabo said they never gave you regular meds when you were in the RA, and you didn't mention taking medication when you were with CP9."

Sparrow [Eustass Kid x Reader] [Sabo x Reader]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα