not the crain house

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They were all gathered in the Twinkie. John B was driving and Pope reading the gps, which was the map.

"Okay, so the road should split up here." He said and John B mumbled something to signify that he had heard it. Pope continued to give some instructions that Lana had no care to listen to.

"That looks like a stone wall to me." JJ said, referencing to the worn down wall which they pulled up next to. "This is it." Pope breathed, looking out the window.

"Not the Crain house." John B muttered while he opened the door. "No way." Lana chuckled, being reminded of all the memories she had from previous summers.

"Are you kidding me?" Kiara asked with an open jaw. "Worst-case scenario." JJ grumbled, taking Alana's hand in his.

"Why'd it have to be here.. of all places?" Pope asked, pausing in between to flip his hat backwards. "I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband's head on this property." JJ said in a tone more serious than before.

"Stop. Don't start like that." Lana B said, pushing his shoulder, using the hand that wasn't occupied with his.


They walked through a forest which lead up to the Crain household, tramping on overgrown branches that stood in their path.

"Look, you guys know who's house this is, right?" Kie asked hesitantly, trying to make them rethink their decisions and just go home. "Oh, yeah. No, I do." JJ followed behind Kie, dragging Lana B along with him by the hand.

"Honestly, I don't really believe the stories of this place." John B admitted, furrowing his brows when Pope shushed him. "What?"

JJ sped up to walk next to Kiara and Alana jogged behind in order to keep up with the two. "Which stories did you hear?" He questioned her, making Lana roll her eyes at him.

"The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that she's been holed up ever since." Kiara said, watching as JJ turned to look at Pope pointedly.

"I remember one summer.." Lana's voice trailed off as she tramped a stray thorn vine which sliced at her ankle. "me and Sarah came down here to look for frogs, we found her in this forest. Right here." Lana paused once she reached a certain spot. "She was just, standing. Like eerily." Alana chuckled when she remembered how fast they both ran.

"I told you both!" JJ shouted, a bit too loudly, looking back a John B and Pope. Kiara chuckled a bit, making JJ look back at her angrily. "No, Kie, it's not funny cause it's all true! I swear to god guys this is all real. I knew Hollis.. jeez!" He exclaimed when a hanging vine scratched him in the face.

"Wait, you knew Hollis Crain?" Pope asked. "Yeah, dude." JJ confirmed, probably feeling proud about the fact that the smartest in the group was taking him seriously. "Dude, how do you know Hollis Crain?" Pope question, pushing JJ back by his shoulder.

"She was my babysitter, man. She told me all about it. Told me the truth about.." He turned to John B, "her mother. And what happened in this house."

JJ began telling the story of the Crain's and, while Alana paid attention at first, her stomach began to bubble in an uncomfortable way, making her grab it in confusion. "Fuck!" She shouted, running towards the bushes and kneeling down, managing to hold her hair into a ponytail position before she threw up.

"Shit!" She heard Pope shout, his footsteps growing closer to her. "Alana, Lana, you good?" He asked frantically, not touching her in order to not make her uncomfortable. "Yeah, man. I'm good." Lana grumbled, slouching back and pulling a mini mouthwash out of her backpack, washing the taste out of her mouth.

"I think I have allergies." She muttered, letting Pope pull her to her feet while she cracked her back. "Shit, you good?" JJ muttered, giving Pope a weird glance while he took her hand out of his friends, taking it in his own.

"You good to keep going?" John B questioned his sister, not really feeling like getting sick. "Yeah, I'm good. Like I said, allergies." Lana B replied, noting the fact that she had not felt sick at any point of the day before then. John B started stomping towards the house, frowning when JJ scurried to stop him.

"You sure you wanna do this? She's an axe murderer. You got a cast on." He warned his best friend. "I don't give a shit if she's an axe murderer, okay? I got nothin' to lose, right?" He looked around, "you guys comin' or what."

"Come on." Kie said, following John B who was walking next to Lana. "If we die, im suing!"


guys I'm so sorry for the short chapter !! I've been busy and just felt like I should post. we're getting further into Lana's pregnancy, which is exciting and i can't wait to write how everything plays out.

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