elephant in the room

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It had been two days since Alana and JJ broke it off. Everybody knew that it had happened, but nobody addressed that fact. It was more of an elephant in the room.

They were sitting in the Twinkie, going over the list of things that they needed in order to properly explore Mrs Crain's well.

"You got rope?" John B began, a quick confirmation coming from Pope. "Grappling hook?" John B read, making the others give him stupid looks. "We don't have a grappling hook, we're not Batman." Pope scoffed.

"Pulley?" John B asked as they pulled into the alleged axe murderers driveway. "Check." Kiara mumbled. "Flashlights?" John B continued, Sarah pulling one out of the bag after rummaging in it for a second. "Let's go." John B muttered once the car stopped, opening the door and letting Lana B step out first. "Let's go get rich guys."

"Right on." They all spoke over each other, stopping when Lana and John B, being the only two outside of the car, stopped them. "We wanna say thank you guys. Seriously. It means a lot that you're here tonight." He glanced around at all of them, finishing his look on Lana's face and smiling.

"Always." Kie smiled.

"Of course." Pope did the Pogue handshake with the two.

"Alright, we done with the circle jerk? Can we go do this?" JJ asked, trying not to look at Alana who was meeting his eyes. "Yeah."

"Let's go get that wheat in the water." Pope said, crawling out of the van. "Weed? I'm up for weed." JJ misheard, making Lana chuckle slightly. "Wheat. I said wheat." Pope sighed.

"After you." Kie smiled, letting Sarah and Lana walk in front of her. "Ladies first." Lana said, watching as Sarah began to climb up the gate, following after her.

They walked up to the house, Sarah stopping once she reached a certain spot. "Shit, Lana, remember when we saw her standing here?" She questioned, chuckling at the memories of that summer.

Lana nodded before gasping when the motion-sensor lights turned on. "Flashlights!" Kie shouted, diving behind the bush with the others. "It's on strobe!" JJ frantically pressed buttons on the flashlight, stopping when Lana took it from him, turning it off in a simple movement.

"Okay, so she has motion sensor lights." Pope told as Alana gave him a sarcastic look. "We could, uh.. move really slowly, maybe?" JJ suggested, quickly earning a few confused 'what's?' "Oh, shit. Let's throw a rock at it." John B said, the boys' stupid ideas annoying Lana. "I'll throw a rock at your head, shut up John B!" Alana shouted, a hand quickly going to cover her mouth.

"That's a really good idea, actually. Let the axe murderer know that we're here." Kie said sarcastically. "What about the breaker?" Sarah began, looking at Lana. "In the circuit box on the porch. We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids." She said, Alana nodded as conformation. "And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it." Alana added.

"No, no. Sarah, you're not going in the house alone." John B shook his head. "Watch me." She whispered. "Crain.. chops people into pieces." JJ told her. "Yeah, if you still believe that, she's what like 85?" She asked to which JJ nodded. "She's probably barely still kicking."

"We'll go with you." Alana said, referring to her and Kiara. "Okay, we'll wait for your signal." Pope sighed, watching as the three girls went off alone. "Okay, cool."

"Hey! Be safe." John B called out to Sarah, JJ suddenly wishing that he could do the same to Lana. "We will."


The girls kept low while they walked in the forest, Kie's voice suddenly breaking the silence that they were in. "She must have a generator plugged into the main power supply." She said, running her hand along a wall of the house. They reached the front porch, gasping when they were met with the sight of a power box.

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