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It was morning. The boys were out completing their 'plan' to make Kiara and Sarah like, or, tolerate each other which left Alana alone in the chateau.

She was wearing a loose grey sweatshirt with denim shorts and a blue bikini underneath. She wasn't necessarily planning on going swimming, it just became a bit of a habit to wear a swimsuit all the time. Lana stood up and stripped off her hoodie, stepping towards the mirror in her bedroom and examining her stomach. It was weirdly bloated recently, despite not really having her period.

Alana had originally planned on going with the boys, however she had thrown up earlier that morning which resulted in everyone deciding that maybe it would be best if she didn't come. She grumbled something about  having to work out more before walking back onto her bed and taking her phone.

She turned on her phone and entered her carefully chosen passcode - 555262.

Lana opened the google app, clicking the search button and typing in - vomiting, tired, bloated, sore. She pressed enter, groaning is disappointment when all that came up was diabetes, nausea due to rich or salty meals, which is a problem that she would not mind having, or short-term stress which was impossible to her because summer break had started.

She looked up her symptoms separately, starting with being tired and sore, then bloated, and ending with vomiting.

As she spelled out the words, Alana felt a bad feeling bubble in her stomach. She felt concerned before she realised, it wasn't nausea, she was nervous. She brushed it off, pressing enter and scrolling a little.

Nothing truly caught her eye, until she came across a link that read: 'pregnancy - morning sickness. How to deal with it?' Lana furrowed her brows, closing google and instead pulling up her cycle tracker.

"What the fuck.." she whispered upon realising how late she actually was.

Alana had missed her period for eight weeks.


Lana B was speed walking to the drug store from the chateau, wearing her crocs and sweatshirt. She was honestly surprised by how few teenagers who she came across that she recognised, but judging by the tan bodies, bright red faces, and sunglasses, most of them were tourons.

Lana entered the store, hearing a small bell ring which alerted any employees of her presence. She smiled at a girl who was buying tampons, wandering into the aisle next to her and searching for the cheapest pregnancy test.

She noticed a miniature pack of Advil by the register so she placed it next to the test, waiting for the employee to come out and scan her items in order to leave as fast as possible. Lana froze when she heard a familiar laugh coming from the door behind the counter.

A girl walked out of the door, beginning to ask the rehearsed dialogue, "Hey, did you find ever.." the girl began to say, pausing when she noticed that it was Alana. She cleared her throat, momentarily glancing to see what her ex-best friend was buying before asking her coworker to manage 'this one'.

Lana noticed the judgemental look that the replacement woman gave her, opting to ignore it and just leave before someone else saw her. "That'll be 19 bucks." The woman said, glancing up at Lana B from the cash register. She dug around in her bag, eventually pulling out a 20. The woman nodded, taking the money and giving her the change.

"Come again soon." The woman gave Lana, who was already jogging to leave a tight smile. She took a deep breath once she finally exited the obnoxiously warm pharmacy.

She felt tears welling her eyes, getting frustrated when her attempts to blink them away didn't work. Lana suddenly stopped walking, only to kick a lamppost angrily. She had allowed her thoughts to wander. She was thinking about Aurelia. Her best friend.

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