Chapter 1

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Leona's POV

Leona was feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. Something didn't feel quite right. It was like a pit in his stomach, a feeling of unease that he couldn't explain. He tried to brush it off as just a bad day, but the feeling kept gnawing at him.

What was wrong? What was making him feel this way?

He had been dating Ruggie for a month now, and everything had been going well. Ruggie was sweet, caring, and had been treating him perfectly.

So why did he feel so uneasy and uncomfortable?

But then, all of a sudden, he noticed that Jack had been distancing himself from him and Ruggie.

Leona didn't know why Jack was acting this way. And Ruggie seemed oblivious to it all.
It worried Leona, and he couldn't ignore that sinking feeling in his stomach.

And to make matters worse, Ruggie was still hitting on Jack, making inappropriate comments and even giving him the eyes.

Jack would brush him off and seem to ignore Ruggie's advances, but Leona could tell that he wasn't really comfortable with it.

But Ruggie didn't seem to notice or care. He was still hitting on Jack, even making sexual gestures and saying things that would make most people uncomfortable.

Leona didn't understand what was going on. He thought Ruggie and Jack were friends.

So why was he hitting on him? And why did Jack seem so uncomfortable with it?

The whole situation seemed strange and off-putting, and Leona couldn't shake that sinking feeling in his stomach.

Jack's POV

Jack was walking in the park, trying to clear his head. He was feeling unsettled and had been avoiding talking to Leona lately. He didn't know why he was feeling so uncomfortable around Leona, and he felt bad about cutting off contact with him.

He wanted to talk to him, but he just couldn't seem to bring himself to do it.

He really loved Leona but his heart wouldn't allow him to get close to him. At least not since him and Ruggie got together.

He kept thinking about Ruggie and Leona's relationship, and he couldn't help but feel jealous.

It was stupid and he felt bad for feeling that way, as though he was betraying Leona. But he couldn't help how he felt.

He really cared about Leona, but he just couldn't get over the jealousy he felt when he saw Ruggie's affections directed towards him.

The end (for now I'll probably add more later lol😋)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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