Chapter 12

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The rest of the night you remained in Eddie's arms, only being separated when Megan took you for a fast dance because Billy wouldn't get off his ass for it. You did have quite an enjoyable night, Eddie was now taking you home. His hand resting on your leg, you had your head against the window as you were getting very tired.

"Enjoy the night?" he asked.

"Very much, thank you for taking me. I know it's not really your thing," you reply.

"Anything for my princess."


He glances over at you and you smirk softly before leaning over to whisper in his ear. He of course was greatly curious what you had in mind.

"Let Dustin and his friends join Hellfire in the fall."

"Sure babe, I can do that though I already had planned to at least let them come to one session to feel them out."

The next months flew by, Eddie took you on many dates when your schedules worked out. As the end of the year approached you were caught up in studying and didn't see him too often because you were focused on passing your classes. Grades had been sent out, you were reading yours as you leaned against the car. Dustin wasn't due out of school yet so you were waiting. You saw Eddie walking to his van, calling out to him but he didn't look your way. You made your way over and touched his shoulder.

"Eddie," you said.

"Hey princess," he replied but his voice held a soft tone.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not graduating, I failed some classes."

"Oh Eddie, I'm sorry."

"Its whatever, there is always next year and hey I get to see you every day in classes next year. So that's an upside."

"I'll help you next year, promise."

"You're an angel."

Eddie kisses you deeply, arm wrapped around your waist and you hear a gagging noise behind you.

"Oh, get a room," Dustin's voice came from behind.

"Oh I got a room," Eddie smirked and whispered in your ear making you blush.

"We should get going," you said.

"I'll see you this tomorrow, right? At the show?"

"I hope so, so long as Dusty here doesn't need me."

"I'm not a kid anymore y/n, I can take care of myself. Besides Steve's coming."

"Guess I'm free, pick me up?"

"See you then."

He kissed you once more before letting you leave with your brother, he did enjoy watching you leave just as much as he loved watching you come.

That weekend Steve arrived at your first in the morning, he and Dustin apparently were going to be watching movies together and then some game that was playing. You didn't really pay attention because you were in your room deciding what to wear tonight. Landing on a pair of jeans, a Corroded Coffin t-shirt and some sneakers. You pull your hair up out of the way, do your make up then leave your room finally.

"Alright Dusty, I'll be back late. There is food in the fridge, no drinking and be good" you said as you looked for your purse.

"Damn," Steve's voice said.


"Oh uh, the team totally missed a thing."

Dustin looked from Steve to you and then back to Steve. He couldn't help but notice that Steve was eyeing you. Being saved from further embarrassment a knock at the door came, you go to answer it.

My Hope and Light (Eddie Munson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now