Chapter 22

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The next morning you wake up in Eddie's arms still, his grip just as tight as when you fell asleep. You gently rub your nose against his and he wakes up. You guys then hear something outside, Eddie jumps out of the boat and looks out the window. You stay where you are and listen, Eddie curses as he doesn't see anything but then the door swings open. Revealing Dustin, Robin, Max, and Steve. The first two holding grocery bags. You get out of the boat and walk over, thanking them and putting some bags on a table. You grab a box of cereal and hand it to Eddie before getting some food for yourself.

"Mom thinks you stayed at Robin's house last night," Dustin said.

"Thanks," you replied.

"About last night."

"It's in the past. Let's just move on."

You take a seat by Eddie and begin to eat, the others start to tell you guys about what they know as of this morning.They gave bad news that the police are very convinced that Eddie killed Chrissy but that the good news is his name has not been made public yet. But it was only a matter of time before the rest of the town put it together.

"Hunt the freak right?" Eddie said.

"Exactly," Robin replied.

"So before that happens. We find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence" Dustin said.

"That's all Dustin, that's all?" Eddie asks.

"That's pretty much it."

You put a hand on Eddie's leg, you can tell he is freaking out. Dustin makes it all sound so easy, that finding and killing this Vecna was going to be like a walk in the park. Eddie looks at you and then Robin starts talking then they all jump in and say this is a brainstorming phase. Right as Dustin said there is nothing to worry about there are sirens. Quickly you help Eddie get under the tarp in the boat, the others go to the window.

"They're going past," Dustin said.

"We should see what's going on," Steve says.

"Dustin, give me one of the walkie talkies" you tell him.

He passes one over and looks at you, he knows that as long as Eddie is a wanted man you are not going to leave him. No matter how it looks on you. It could all end up biting you in the butt and Dustin doesn't like it.

"We'll be fine, just go and find out what happened" you tell your little brother.

Dustin nods and looks at Eddie who is out from under the tarp again, then he looks back at you before walking out with Robin and Max.

"Steve, wait," you said and he stopped moving. "Keep him safe."

"I will, I promise. You two lay low, we'll be back when we can" Steve replied.

He then leaves, closing the door and you turn to look at Eddie. He went back to munching on the cereal and drinking the chocolate milk. You give him a small smile as you walk back to the boat and get into it again. Picking up your own food and you eat in silence together.

"You know, you being here if the cops find me isn't going to look good. They'll think your an accomplice" Eddie said.

"Or they could think I killed Chrissy, in a jealous rage finding her with you" you reply.

That thought has crossed your mind, you were known as Eddie's girlfriend. It was a possible scenario that you had found the pair in the Munson trailer, lost your shit and killed the poor cheerleader. How Eddie plays into that scene you don't know, the cops would more than likely still go with the theory that he killed her and is using you as a possible alibi.

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