Chapter 23

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Eddie had given you his jacket to stay warm, it was still pretty chilly and you were waiting for the others to arrive. You don't stay right at Skull right, in case anyone else comes around but you both stay nearby so you can see when Dustin and the others come.

"I concur. You Dustin Henderson are a total butthead" Eddie says while jumping down to the ground.

"We thought you were a goner," Dustin said hugging Eddie. "Where's my sister?"

"Here Dusty," you reply.

You walk over and hug him, he is happy that you are okay and nothing bad happened. You see the others coming and they have bags of food. You and Eddie sit under Skullrock and begin to eat some of the food while the others tell you what they found out.

"When we got to shore I tried calling you guys but uh, the walkie was busted. So I did the only thing I do now apparently. I ran, we ran" Eddie said.

"Do you know what time the attack happened?" Nancy asked.

"Yeah, the time exactly. Watches are soaked too," you reply.

Eddie took his off and tossed it to Nancy, she looked at it and nodded her head while saying what time was on the watch. You look at her confused then Robin said that it was the same time their flashlights went kablooey.

"Which means what exactly?" Steve asked.

"The energy surge was Vecna attacking Patrick," Nancy replied.

"We're a step closer, we know how Vecna attacks and where he attacks from" Robin said.

"So, what we just sneak into this Upside Down to his lair and kill him?" you ask.

They toss out ways of killing him and Nancy points out that its not possible to get there because the gates were all closed by El and the only way they know to open them is if El can get het powers back.

"Hey uh, Henderson isn't cursed is he?" Eddie asked.

You little brother has been pacing this whole time and looking at the compass in his hands, you were confused and when Eddie asked that you really hoped that Dustin was not cursed. Steve replied that he isn't cursed.

"Boom!" Dustin shouted and everyone turned to him. "Bada, bada, boom."

"Dusty, are you okay?" you asked.

"I was right, Skull Rock was north."

"Uh what?"

"Seriously?" Steve asked.

"Mm-hmm" Dustin replied.

"This is Skull Rock. Okay? You are one hundred percent wrong right now."

"Yes and no. This compass worked correctly when we left the Wheelers'. Correct when we got in the car on Kerley, but it started to slip the further east we went. Now it's way off. When I was leading us here I wasn't wrong, the compass was."

Steve called him out on using faulty equipment, Dustin said that it isn't and then was talking to Lucas about something about electromagnetic fields.

"Sorry but I think most of us might have skipped that class. What the hell are you on about?" you ask.

Dustin beings to explain about what could cause the needle of the compass to not point north, a stronger electric pull or something. Then Lucas jumped in saying that a gate could be near by pulling the compass toward it. Talk of a gate was possible and it would allow us to get into the Upside Down to stop this Vecna.

"Hey where are you going? Eddie is still a wanted man, we can't just go for a hike in the woods" Steve said.

"This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both Eddie and Max. What say you Eddie the Banished?"

Eyes turned to where you and Eddie were, you would follow where he went. You don't want to leave him.

"I say you're asking me to follow you into Mordor, which if I'm totally straight with you I think it's a really bad idea. But the shire is burning," Eddie began.

You weren't the only one confused, several around you looked at Eddie. You got the references vaguely, you had heard Dustin mention them before but you did not understand what Eddie was meaning right now.

"So Mordor it is," Eddie finishes as he stands up.

He holds a hand down for you, helps you to your feet and you intertwine your fingers. Dustin is doing a happy bounce and begins to walk away again with the others following. Steve asks what Mordor is and you just shrug.

"A nerd thing," you reply.

You all follow Dustin as he follows the compass, you had no idea if you were going to find anything at all after all this hiking but you hoped that your brother was right. He definitely had the science brains and you never doubt him when it comes to things science related. But your boyfriend's freedom was on the line now as well as apparently the life of one of Dustin's friends.

You reach Lover's Lake, Dustin almost falls into the water because he wasn't paying attention due to staring at the compass but Eddie grabs him. Then Eddie and Steve get a boat into the water, Robin gets in and then Nancy. Eddie follows suit and when Dustin tries to get into the boat Eddie stops him.

"Whoa, this thing holds three people max" Eddie said.

"Do you think I'm going to let you go without me?" you ask him.

"Did not honestly think that far."

"You and Steve stay here, keep Max safe. We'll stay in touch by the walkie if we find anything," Nancy said.

Steve pushes the boat off and jumps in, Dustin makes a fuss about what Eddie said regarding the boat only holding three. You shake your head, you couldn't help but agree with him. You would have gone.

"Always gotta be the hero," you mutter about Steve.

Lucas is using binoculars, Dustin calls them on the walkie when the former mentions that the boat stopped moving. Robin said that the compass was being very wonky.

"Ugh, when did Steve get so hairy?" Lucas asked.

"Right? I keep telling him he needs to tame that jungle but he claims the ladies dig it" Dustin replies.

"Let me see," Max said and took the binocular from Lucas.

"Some girls are into it," you say.

Dustin looks at you, Lucas is looking at Max who is looking at Steve with the binoculars. You laugh softly at Dustin.

"I don't particularly care, I have eyes only for Eddie" you tell Dustin.

Steve dove into the water and after a few moments you hear along with the other three the sounds of radio chatter.

"Shit," you said.

All four of you duck down, it sounded like you were found. Police most likely, you guys cant' let them get close to the water. Close to Eddie. Max said to follow her then stood up and called the officers before running.

"We have to keep them away from Eddie," you whisper to the boys before running after Max.

You all go running, far from the shore and can see lights flashing behind you. They are following, good. Anything to keep them from Eddie, as you all ran Dustin tripped and fell.

"Dustin!" you said.

"Shit," you hear from Lucas.

The police catch you all, the chief has Dustin and you sigh. Well the plan worked. You are all taken to the police cars and taken to the Wheeler's house for some reason. You all look at each other confused. Your mom is there with the Wheelers and the Sinclairs.

"What's going on?" You ask.

"Take a seat," the chief said.

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