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This is not a tetralogy. This has nothing to do with my friends. But I do pray that the Gods and Goddesses above bless them in whatever they're doing in my absence.

This is not a continuation of my life after my friends... no, my family and I, won the war. This is a rebirth. A new beginning for me.

I've been chasing this moment for what feels like forever though it's only been a couple of months. I can practically taste my victory. My accomplishment. As I raise my blade of certain death, I feel a sense of pride. A feeling I once thought was forgotten.

For years, my destiny, as I was told, was to fight the battles the Gods and Goddesses in Olympus couldn't. I formally took pride in knowing that I could be the savior. The hero to the kosmos' most powerful Gods and Goddesses. I realize now that I was foolish to have ever thought that.

As the daughter of the Goddess of wisdom, you'd think I'd have realized it sooner. Noelle did. She had always been so wise. And soon, once the rest of us got over our pride and whatnot, we saw that Zeus had been using us all along. You could say we were all seeing the life of being the saviors of Gods and Goddesses through rose-colored glasses. Oh, how blind we were. I know that I will never let the Gods or Goddesses use me ever again.

I now felt pride knowing that this had been my destiny all along. The Fates put me on this path. Mother Gaia put me on this path. It doesn't matter what Zeus or any of the other Gods or Goddesses have to say as they sit up on their thrones, pretending to be all high and mighty, and looking down at my world with distaste. The majority of them are cowards and I can't be convinced otherwise.

I know what I was made for. I know what I was put on this Earth for. And no, it wasn't to save the Gods and Goddesses in Olympus.

"Look at you. Just as vicious and cruel as the Gods and Goddesses who came before you. You're no better than they are. You're no better than Athena." My enemy hissed, his voice echoing throughout the desert we stood in. My lip curls at his words, feeling disgusted that he'd compare me to my treacherous mother. I move to stab him in the shoulder with my sword, but he quickly rolls out of the way, making it to his feet.

"I am nothing like my mother. And I'll be damned if I ever resemble her in the slightest." I said, not bothering to hide the disgust lacing my voice. I move once more, ready to attempt striking him once again. He blocks my attack, kicking me hard in my stomach, and sending me flying back. The sky darkens but no thunder or lightning follows. Only drops of rain. I laughed as I looked up at the sky.

"If you're going to summon a storm, do it properly! I've seen a man with similar abilities to yours learn how to use them much sooner than you have!" I shouted at him. I let myself remember that man; Heath, who I hadn't seen since my family and I fought against Thanatos and Hypnos. I missed him dearly, along with the others, of course. The man scoffed.

"My abilities work just fine, thank you!" The man shouted as he spread his fingers, a web extending from the center of his hand and shooting at me. I screeched and made an attempt to move. Unfortunately, I didn't move quick enough and was wrapped in his silk, sticky web. I screeched once more as a fell backwards, hitting the ground hard.

"Oh, you know how I feel about this, you dumbass!" I exclaimed. He bit his lip before letting out a laugh. My enemy approached me and pulled me up off the ground with his Demi-God strength.

"You good now?" He asked. I nodded my head as I kicked him hard in the gut. He groaned out as I used the knife in the garter wrapped around my thigh to cut lose from the cobwebs. Once I did, he tacked me to the ground, making me dropped my knife. We struggled a bit before I pushed my knees up to my chest and kicked him, sending him flying back a couple of feet. I quickly crawled over to my knife, trying to take it, but a boot to my hand kept me from grabbing it. I winced as he dragged me up from the ground, bringing us face to face. I then landed a punch square to his jaw making him stumble back.

"That hurt!" He exclaimed. Before he could make a move, I landed a solid kick to his shin, making him fall to his knees. I walked over to my knife, grabbing it, and stuffing it back in my garter. I turned back to find him extending his hand once more, ready to use one of his abilities. My eyes widened. I really didn't want to be wrapped in cobwebs again. And I definitely didn't want him to use his water ability. I charged at him and slid across the desert floor, taking the knife and slicing it along his abdomen. He hissed as I then wrapped my thigh around his neck, extending his arm back, and pulling them both in my direction, making us drop to the ground. He struggled, trying to unwrap my leg to get some air. He wheezed a few times before twisting over. I continued to pull but started getting confused when he began pushing himself up off of the desert floor. His strength came out of nowhere. He pulled himself up to his feet, leaving me in the air with my leg still wrapped tightly around his throat. He then slammed me down, catching me off guard. I groaned as a I rolled on my back, scooting away from him a little.

"Where the hell did you get leg strength like that?!" My enemy wheezed out as he made attempts to catch his breath, his hands resting on his knees. I sighed heavily as I tiredly dragged myself up from the ground.

"My aunt trained me. And that's no way to get air. Hands above your head. I don't need you passing out on me before I kick your ass." I said as I made it to my feet, ran at him, and dropkicked him to the ground. He moaned in pain as he fell onto his back, taking a deep breath afterwards.

"Are you sure it's not just because you care so much about me, doll?" My enemy spoke before smirking at me. I huffed at him for throwing my own words back at me.

"Oh, I'm positive it's just because you already seem so exhausted when I've barely begun!" I exclaimed. I then gave him an innocent smile, making him cautiously eye me.

"Tell me, have I already worn you out?" I prodded further. He laughed as he brought himself to his feet. We both stared at each other for a moment, letting the winds pass through us.

"Using my own words against me now. Except when I said it, you were whimpering beneath me, begging for me to stop." The man said, his smirk never leaving his face. I huffed once more, hating that he kept bringing up that night when it was oh so very much a moment of weakness on my part!

"I did. But we both know which is more pathetic." I said, making his smirk disappear. In three strides he was in front of me. He went to attack me, but I twisted his arm over right my shoulder. I kicked once with my foot, landing right in between his legs, making him groan. And finally, I used my strength to pull him over my shoulder and slam him hard onto the ground. I took my knife once more, straddling his waist as I raised my knife my knife in the air, ready to pierce his skin. The man looked between the two of us, amusement swirling in his eyes.

"This a little familiar to you, doll?" He asked, making me roll my eyes. As I went to stab him in the shoulder, I stopped.

"Wait.." I said. He hummed, resting his hands on my jean clad thighs. I then slowly turned my head, landing on you, the reader.

"You're late!" I exclaimed.

"Love, who are you talking to?" The man asked, confusion apparent on his handsome face. I looked down at him for a moment before pointing back to you.

"Them!" I exclaimed. He sat up, his hands now going to rest on my hips as he looked in your direction, blinking a few times.

"I'm not seeing anything.." The man spoke., making me groan.

"Oh, whatever! Let's rewind!" I then said. 

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