A few days later

Sitting in the Great Hall listening to the whispers of Daddy Weasel being bitten by a snake, I keep my face blank while glaring at Potter whose face is paler and whose eyes have dark rings under them.

They don't seem to understand that the attack is a response to Milli being hurt, My dad's known about the connection and horcrux in Potter since first year, they don't even realize my dad has accounted for this.

I scoff standing up making my way to his table slamming my hands on the table "How's it
feel almost killing someone? I'm sure daddy's so proud of you like father like son right" I say loudly.

"I'll be seeing you in the Wizengamot Potter, after that I'll have every last thing your parents left you, down to your very last Knuts for Milli" I hiss.

I turn walking out to Black Lake and sit down, I sigh tilting my head back "Miss. Black".

I groan hearing the Pink Frog saying my name I peek out at her "Yes" I grunt.

"I was sent to inform you that Millicent Bulstrode will be awoken soon" she says cheerfully.

"Wonderful I'm sure you're so disappointed not to gain more sadistic pleasure, for your nightly masturbating enjoyment" I snark standing up shoving past her.

Heading in I find my group waiting for me we all head for the hospital wing, shoving our
way in ignoring that most of the beds are full of Gryffindors.

"Madam Pomfrey please keep that Pink monstrosity away from Milli" I say moving to stand
by Tisi holding her hand with Pansy holding her other.

We stand waiting for anything to happen to show us Milli is waking up when Tisi grabs her
hand "Wake up Milli, I miss you we also need you to remind Hermione and Draco you're the
boss around here, they are getting out of hand without you to keep them in line".

I smile slightly at that looking to Madam Pomfrey, who looks on sadly she quickly checks the
time and sighs after a while.

"You kids have to go to classes" I open my mouth to argue stopping when she glares at me.

"I will have you all called in if anything changes now go" she says ushering us out the doors.

I turn grabbing the door to open it being shocked hard enough I fall back looking surprised at
it "You are currently banned from visiting my patients, Try back at a later time" Madam Pomfrey's voice echoes from the door, that now has a shaded design of her on the wood who's mouth moves as it says the words even glaring at us.

"Is it just me or is everyone else slightly terrified of her?" I whisper glancing back to my
group seeing them nod silently.

We all quickly rush away walking into Snape's lesson and sitting down, I smirk seeing most
of the Gryffindors are missing, Snape comes sweeping in slamming the doors behind him.

Starting his lesson I smirk more seeing Pansy quickly drop something into Lavender's
Potions when she wasn't paying attention.

We keep watch seeing hers start to smoke a thick sickly green, quickly covering ours We
drop under the table casting a shield to protect ourselves.

We hear a loud bang followed by multiple voices screaming coming out we see the table
melted with holes, burned on the floor and other places burned.

Snape dismisses us taking the students to the medical wing, we head out back to our room.

Pansy smirks holding a pouch out to me I frown looking at it "I'll let you have it but you owe me" she warns.

I nod taking it opening it seeing an Acid pop that's been crushed up "I get acid pops?" I ask.

She nods smirking "Yes, only because the evidence needs to not exist anymore" she says taking it back.

Moving back to Tisi she puts it in her hand "Tisi I want you to have fun giving Hermione her
treat" she says moving behind her getting the others to leave.

She nudges her to me smirking
"Have fun Tisi if she doesn't listen, I'm sure we can figure out a fitting punishment" she
warns glaring at me.

I nod getting the hint that I'm supposed to give Tisi whatever she wants.


Coming out of my room I keep hisses of pain in as my outfit rubs burns on my collarbone,
and across my stomach.

Pansy smirks Seeing my stiff movements she grabs my face
squeezing slightly.

I huff sticking my tongue out showing Tisi managed to control where the holes burn, changing the shape of my tongue to look like a snake "If you can repeat this, I'll let you have them again" she says smirking at me.

I nod smiling when she puts a blood pop in my mouth leaving the common room, heading to
the next class I groan coming to the DADA doors before getting in my seat.

Potter glares at Pansy I tilt my head watching him "Problem Potter?" I ask smirking.

"Miss. Black no eating in my class".

I glare at the Pink Frog discreetly casting a new version of my spider spell on her that gives
flies instead of spiders.

She stares in horror at the fly that she spits out "You're eating in class" I snark as more keep
coming "I think your breakfast has decided even it doesn't want to be stuck with you" I add

I bounce banging a fist on the table raising my other hand waving it frantically "Madame
Umbridge is it true you were caught letting the giant Squid touch you sexually in seventh
year" I ask in a baby voice.

She turns purple in anger while gagging and glaring at me as I cackle "Oh what about that
You slept with a vampire and werewolf at the same time".

"Miss. Black that's enough" is barked from the door.

I spin sneering at Uncle Sev "Well excuse me for being confused with how DADA lessons work, the lessons have been very questionable at best. Quill would stand frozen for minutes at a time, the writer treated it like a personal fan club, he wanted us to ask questions about him, Moody would have been decent if he was real, the only teacher that was worth anything so far, was the werewolf he would have been a decent choice for a teacher, now we have this shit show a frog trying to act and look human" I finish screeching loudly motioning to the Pink Frog.

He glares at me but I can see the slight twitch of a smile "Enough Miss. Black, as this is the
only other class with both Slytherin and Gryffindors together, I am here to demand answers for why Acid Pop was found in Miss. Brown's Potion".

"It was Black she sabotaged Lavender's Potion" Harry yells pointing at me.

"Do you have proof of these accusations, Mister. Potter" Uncle Sev sneers.

"She and her friends knew to hide before it exploded" he yells.

Uncle Sev looks to me "It's Potions Sir, If one of us spots something off or dangerous with it, we take cover Longbottom causes fires or explosions almost every lesson.

Pansy noticed the strange smoke and pointed it out to us, we decided to protect ourselves" I snark glaring at Potter.

"She's lying, they have been attacking us since I attacked that fat one" he snarls.

Uncle Sev rolls his eyes looking at Potter "How fascinating Potter you admit you were the one to almost kill a fellow student, who was protecting a pitiful first year that your housemate bragged about hurting in front of many witnesses".

I smirk seeing his anger, while raising my hand "Sir, the first year that was hurt, his twin
sister is Gryffindor he went to give her a birthday present he spent weeks working on with
Milli's help, only to be hurt for trying to see her.

They even destroyed what he made and told him that his sister was no longer family to him, everyone knows siblings even in different houses are allowed to visit, the girl has come to our rooms many times and we are happy to let her in".

Uncle Sev frowns looking at me "Slytherin has spoken about this, it was decided we want her adopted into Slytherin house" I say confidently.

"What right or reasons do you have to call for this" he asks calmly.

"I am the unofficial leader of Slytherin voted by my housemates my reasons, if siblings wish to see each other no one is supposed to block them, and I believe she is unsafe with them, she has come in with bruises and limping worse since this incident" I say calmly.

He nods motioning me to stand up "You will have to speak with the hat".

I nod seeing him look at the Pink Frog who has her mouth covered looking around frantically.

"Go to Madam Pomfrey woman use your head" he roars at her.

Hermione R Black Where stories live. Discover now