Chapter 5: Nate

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I park the car in the garage and remove my glasses before entering.

When I entered the house, Mom was in the living room watching television, her favorite drama series.

"You're late; what happen?" she asks.

"My car broke down, and I had to repair it two times before coming home," I say.

A sad look appears on her face.

"I'm sorry, I cannot get you a new car like your dad can," she says disappointedly.

"Mom, it's okay." I go to hug her.

"Let's not speak about him while you're here. Remember, we came here for a new start, away from him," I tell her.

In my arms, her forehead gently hits my chest as she nods.

"I know you want an ordinary life and to focus on your studies, but I think you should try out for the swimming team at your new school. Right now, it's your only hope to go to college." Her arms leave me.

"Mom, I can't."

"I understand, Nate, that you feel you'll betray your team by competing against them with their opponent. But you have to. No one wants a nurse who hasn't been in the field for over 10 years. I don't know when I'll ever get a nursing job. Probably, I have to settle for a lower job to earn some cash for now."

"The money I've luckily taken before it was removed from my account, we're running out on it since I have no money coming in.

"I'll find a job and work after school," I say.

"I don't want you to take any responsibility so fast."

"Mom, I'm 18 now, remember? I'm technically an adult. I can get a job."

She nods.

"But if you do, the money will only be for school. Even if I'm lucky to get the secretary job tomorrow, I cannot afford to send you to college. So please join the swimming team at your school for me.

It's hard saying no to my mom. I nod.

She hugs me happily.

Obtaining a scholarship will not be hard. I was a pro at swimming. Competing with my former team, which had won against Effney High School, was the problem. This year, they are going for a third win to create history. No school has ever won the swimming sport in the third row, and I fear that I'll ruin it, being the best swimmer they once had.

It will be easy to get into the Effney team. All I had to do tomorrow was show the real me and quit acting like a nerd.

When I first came here, I thought my plan to act as the unpopular one would never work, but a huge nerdy glass made everyone at school believe I was.

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