Chapter 3: The fall of the Dark Kingdom and the Fireking and firequeen

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Dragonic and Drazeros continued to clash as they are tired and running out of energy.

Drazeros: It's about time that we finish this.

Dragonic: Agreed and it will be you who will fall!

Both Drazeros and Dragonic charged each holding their swords as the two slashed they were both on opposite sides behind each other's backs. Dragonic coughed up blood as he fell down. Drazeros held on to his chest to cover his wound.

Then Drazeros was captured by the Royal Magister.

Meanwhile with Razia...

Razia is also tired as she and Wavern clashed one last time before Wavern sealed her in Crystal where she can't break free.

Wavern: I'll see you soon my love.

Wavern passed away. The war for Avalice is over for now.

Drazeros, Siderian, Felice, and Necro were brought to the Magister in chains.

Magister: Drazeros you and your followers are found guilty for the war crimes committed on Avalice and are here by exiled from Avalice. The four of you will never set foot on Avalice.

Siderian growls in anger.

Drazeros:(anger) You well know that this isn't over old friend I will return and rule Avalice!

The guards took them to the portal and sent them offworld to never comeback. But Drazeros and his servants swore that they will return and make everyone bow down before Drazeros.


The Magister mourned for the loss of both Dragonic and Wavern.

Magister:(sad) I'm sorry my friends

A wise panda named Grizzly patted him on the shoulder in comfort.

Grizzly: It's not your fault Magister.

Magister: I just wish I could have reasoned with Drazeros before this all happened. I was his only friend and I tossed him aside.

Grizzly: I know but Drazeros has made his choice

That's when Cordelia walked in.

Cordelia: Razia is underwater and is still trapped in Crystal.

Grizzly: That's good to hear I'll have the others watch her in case she breaks free.

To be continued...

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