Chapter 5: The gentle Naturedragon and the chaotic Naturedragon

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After Drazeros and his army were exiled things were slowly getting back to normal but not everyone have recovered. However a couple of Naturedragons husband and wife have two sons.

Athena: What do you think we should name them?

Tarzan: There names will be Seether and Seth.

Seether is a gentle and kind Naturedragon but his older brother Seth only brought chaos and destruction wherever he went. Tarzan and Athena tried to get Seth to stop hurting people but he refused and would always bully Seether. Tarzan and Athena would comfort him. Seth then did something unforgivable he killed millions of lives and destroyed planets. Tarzan and his wife tried to stop him but he was too strong as for Seether his mother told to stay away from the fight. Seether wanted to help them but knew he didn't have a choice.

Tarzan: Stop this madness Seth!

Seth: Stop? No I've only begun!

Athena having heard enough slashed her son thus giving him a scar on his right eye. Seth enraged attacked his parents while his brother watched in horror as his older brother killed them. Seether is soon consumed by rage and charges at his older brother thus punching him hard in the face.

Seth:(evil smile) Not bad little brother but it won't be enough.

Seether simply growled in rage.

Seether:(rage) I'll make you pay for what you've done!

The two brothers charged at each other as they clashed and punched each other causing the ground to shake as they now fight in the sky. Seether and Seth clashed. Seether sees a boulder heading toward the mother and child.

Seether stopped the boulder saving them.

Seether: Go quickly!

Mother: Thank you.

The mother grabs her child's hand as they ran.

Seth: As much as I want to kill you Seether but there are many other worlds that must be destroyed.

Seth flew away.

Seether:(anger) You won't hurt anyone else not while I'm around to stand in your way.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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