Chapter 12 - When Everything's Lost

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Author's Note: Aaaaand we're getting closer to uncovering the truth. ;)

~ Amina Gila

It's only been a couple weeks since the run-in with Obi-Wan, and they haven't had time to stop and breathe. Between an intel retrieval and supply run, well, they've been busy.

Infiltrating Admiral Yularen's Star Destroyer to steal was a bit odd. Even odder was that Anakin knew the codes and all. It was weird. Convenient, though. Raiding his own Star Destroyer is something he and his Ahsoka would laugh about forever. He just wishes he were able to tell her about it.

And, predictably, before they even have a chance to say a "maybe we should go to Naboo while there's time to find the Amidalans", they get a call.

Anakin has to check it three times over, because he genuinely didn't think he'd hear from them again. Certainly not so soon, but yeah, it's them.

"Sir," Fives says, saluting over-dramatically as the hologram materializes.

"Fives. Hunter," Anakin nods to them, "What's wrong?"

"We got a message," Hunter replies – he's standing next to Tech's seat, Fives on his other side, "From one of the surviving 501st members."

"It's Hardcase," Fives says, and Anakin freezes up at the name. It's familiar. He – he knows him. Knew him. Anakin might not have been too close with him, but everyone remembers Hardcase's sacrifice. He died to save everyone on Umbara. Jesse and Fives were nearly executed for it. That's something Anakin could never forget. "I'm assuming you knew him?"

"I – yes," Anakin nods, "I knew him. Everyone knew him. What's wrong?"

"We're not sure," Hunter replies, "That's why we're asking you for help. He sent us a distress signal, and we don't know what we're walking into."

"I take it you don't know if this is... Imperial related?"

"No," Fives answers, "We would have no way of knowing." It's so strange to see him in the armor of Clone Force 99 – black and red, as opposed to blue and white. His helmet looks more like Hunter's than Echo's had in Anakin's time. Fives' is shaped slightly different, but it's similar. Echo's was all dark, too, and Fives' has the same red stripe across it they all do. He feels... a little calmer than Anakin remembers him from previously. Better, and it makes his heart ache, because he wants to be a part of Fives' life, but that's not a chance he's going to get.

Anakin looks back at the others. Asajj shrugs, kicking her feet up on the dashboard. Qui-Gon takes a few steps closer, arms crossed, expression considering. Padme nods to him, and Ahsoka steps forward, touching Anakin's arm. She's definitely in range of the hologram now. "We'll find him," she promises.

"We're going in together," Hunter replies, "We'll send the coordinates."


Daro is a forested, mountainous planet. Anakin would say it's beautiful if he didn't have such an unsettled feeling about it. Something's wrong here. It's – it's not a good place. He can feel it. It's predictable that Lost Familiar touches down behind schedule. They're pretty much always behind schedule, though they usually move fast enough that it doesn't matter.

"What's the status?" Anakin queries when they see each other.

"We located the beacon," Tech reports, "There appears to be a facility inside the mountain."

Clever. It's a convenient way of hiding it.

Omega freezes up when she sees Ahsoka, who sighs audibly. "Don't worry," Ahsoka grumbles, pausing. "I'm not going to try to cut your head off again. That wasn't the best moment I've ever had."

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