Typical Work Things

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I wanted her to use me. I know that's not exactly a great way to start a conversation but, Jesus Christ, Y/n is killing me right now. Either she knows about my crush on her or she likes to tease every assistant she has. My delusion likes to make it seem like I'm special. It is bad that I fantasize about her using me like her sex toy just to see how she is in bed? Is she a freak? A classic vanilla person? Maybe she prefers to make love over kinky.

My stupid thoughts have been distracting me from me work. I won't lie, I was slightly behind in a few files that I had been assigned. Y/n hasn't seen it yet, I hope, but I couldn't exactly do them right now. I wasn't exactly at my desk at the moment. Or any desk for that matter.

I was actually underneath Y/n.

Not in that way though. I could only dream about that. No, instead, I'm helping her fix her car. We were in the most private area of the parking lot, it was time to leave, closing hour. Y/n normally stays later by herself to do a couple of extra work things but she decided to leave early this time, only to find that her car was leaking oil. Nobody knows this (other than me) but Y/n used to be a mechanic when she was a teenager. She was taught everything she knows by an amazing crew.

I know a thing or two because of my brother. Griffin loved to teach me a few things here and there, educating me on things if I might need it in the nearby future. Thank god he did so I could become the hero.

I was laying on my back with a small little cart that was used for me to be pushed under Y/n's car. The older woman was standing above me, her legs on either side of me. It was nerve wracking to see her standing there so tall, her legs exposed.

Hailee! Dig yourself out of these dirty thoughts!

I shook my head as I began to tape up the mess that caused the oil spill. It wasn't a professional fix, no, but it was helpful enough for her to get her car to a real mechanic who can help more than I tried to. I slid out from under the car, sitting up as I unknowingly came in contact with her lower region. She walked backwards, not being fazed whatsoever as I stood from the cart.

"That should carry you out to a real mechanic". I explained as I shyly looked at my feet. I heard Y/n chuckle softly, rubbing my shoulder longingly.

"Thanks, Hailee." She said, gently pushing me aside to start her car. It purred as she started it back up. I didn't like cars as much Griffin did, I went to a few of his shows and they were awesome. To be honest, he'd freak out over the car Y/n has now. It was a McLaren. He always loved those cars, been wanting to work on one for quite some time. Let's make his dreams come true.

"Uh, my b-brother owns a car shop just up the road." She looks at me in interest. "I could come with you and get you a discount, he'd love to work on such a beautiful car like yours." I added, I hated that I was stuttering around this woman. Y/n smiled, unlocking her car as she tilted her head towards me.

"Get in." I didn't hesitate to get in the passengers side, buckling up as Y/n took off. I guided her all the way to Griffin's auto shop, he happened to be outside talking to one of his buddies, Reynolds. In my opinion, I didn't like the guy. He's tried hitting on me one too many times, only when he found out I was intersex did he back off, but he only backed off of flirting with me. Ever since then, he's been making rude comments. Boils my blood.

"Griff!" I yelled to my brother who looked at me before glancing in shock at Y/n's car. His jaw dropped while Y/n stepped out, leaning against her car. "Y/n needs her car fixed, can you help?"

"For a car like this? Hell yeah!" He chuckled excitedly, admiring it from a distance as he made eye contact with my boss. "Very nice car you have."

"Thank you." She tossed him the keys, causing him to fumble with them slightly. "I got it 2 years ago." Griffins whistled as he continued to admire the car. Reynolds trotted over to me slowly, a cocky smirk on his face.

"Isn't that your boss, Hailee?" He asked, slicking his oily hair back with his hands that were covered with car oil and dust. "She's hot." I clenched my jaw while rolling my eyes. Y/n glanced at me while flipping through the magazines that sat atop of a nearby coffee table in the lounge room. I walked over to her, making sure to shoulder check Reynolds hard.

"Your brother seems obsessed with my car." Y/n announced in an amused tone, her lips curled up slightly in a smirk.

I nodded my head, glancing at my older brother who slipped under the car to patch up the oil, each time he slid out, he'd admire the car. "He's never gets beauties like that. He really likes them, he dreams of having one of them some day."

"I'm sure he will." She stated, humming those words casually as her eyes were glued to the magazine in her hand. I glanced at it as well, a small section of the magazine was about the speculating relations between Y/n and ex-coworker that she fired a couple months ago. His name was Niko. Born and raised in Columbia, he moved to America with his family when he was 8, grew up in Missouri. He was first hired into Y/n's company in 2017, so around 7 years ago. He was fired for his lack of work, he didn't want to do the work anymore so he just... stopped. I had heard about the 'rumors' of Y/n and him hooking up back in 2019. You're probably wondering... Hailee, how do you know this if you've only been working here for a year? Good question.

Well, when I first got here, there was this woman named Florence who filled me on everything there was to know about the business. We became close over the time but just recently, 6 months ago, she moved on from Y/n's business. It was saddening, but Y/n didn't want to hold Florence back from her dreams of being an actress. She held a party for the blonde and everything. It's only been 6 months but this girl is making good progress by putting herself out there. We still chat every one in a while when we have the time. She was my first friend here.

But anyway, back to Niko. When the rumors spread like wildfire through the company, workers began to gossip about Y/n which she quickly put an end to, striking fear in every single person in the building. After quite some time, I'm assuming that Niko stopped hooking up with her, hoping for a serious relationship but Y/n bailed on him. Must've pissed him off.

Anyway, Niko was booted a little while ago but it turned out that behind our backs, he was starting his own company. Which skyrocketed by the way. He's almost as famous as Y/n. Key word; almost. Niko's company will fall in no time while Y/n's will rise without fail. Or that's what I hope for.

"All done!" Griffin clapped his hands together, wiping the sweat form his brow as Y/n stood up, walking over to her car. "You had a loose screw in your tire as well so I went ahead and took care of that. You're free to go." Y/n looked at my brother with the same impressed look in her eyes that she usually gives me.

"You Steinfeld's are really impressive." She muttered as me and Griffin glanced at each other with smiles. "Thank you." She thanked him, shaking his hand firmly.

He nodded with a smile as he tossed the keys back to her. "My pleasure. This was a really nice car to work on." I chuckled at his excitement, patting his back before I hopped back in the passenger's seat of the car. Y/n stopped before getting in, turning around she handed my brother a small wad of cash.

"Have a good day." She called out one last time before taking off, me waving out the window to my stunned brother.

All For You | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang