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Narcissa stood in Lucius' study, opposite Sirius Black as he stood over the little girl sleeping soundly on the leather couch inside the room. He was stroking her hair, forming a smile across his face as he watched her small chest move outward slowly.

"I'm going to miss this." He told Narcissa, "God, 'Cissy. I'm going to miss this." His voice cracked, signifying the emotion he was trying so hard to hold in.

"She'll be safe here." spoke Narcissa, placing her hand on his back.

He turned to her, his eyes glistening with tears as he looked towards his cousin, "You know you've always been my favorite."

"That can't be true." spoke Narcissa.

"It is." He let off a small smile.

"Andromeda always had the better heart." She responded.

"But you were my favorite." He told her, "The youngest. The baby. You stuck close to my baby brother even after I had to leave. The man you married could use a little bit of work." He couldn't help but chuckle at that last line.

"Sirius." She spoke to him.

"You are an excellent mother, 'Cissy." He told her, "I know you'd be excellent for Astra."

"You'll always be Astra's father, Sirius." She told him, "You will always-"

"I'm going to Azkaban," He informed her, "No matter how many times I argue against what's happening... it is happening."

"You're innocent," She said, "You didn't do anything."

He smiled at his daughter once more, turning back to face Narcissa once more, "Make sure she understands that. Please. I don't need her growing up thinking her father was a complete monster."

"She'll never think that." Narcissa smiled towards the sleeping girl on the couch, "I'll make sure of it."

He stood adjacent from her, holding out his hand for Narcissa to grab ahold of, "Promise me."

"We should-" She looked towards him, "Someone else should be here to solidify it."


Narcissa stepped out of the room for about ten minutes, coming back with Lucius by her side.

"He'll be able to-" Sirius went to ask when Narcissa nodded.

"You can trust me, Black." spoke Lucius, "I have a child as well."

"Last I checked, you were on the side that got me into this mess."

Before her husband could respond to his comment, Narcissa grabbed ahold of Sirius' right hand, grasping at his wrist, "Do you trust me?"

Sirius held onto her right hand, grasping her wrist as well, "I do."

"I trust him." Her eyes turned towards her husband, "And he is a pretty good father. Astra will be in great hands."

Lucius took out his wand, placing the tip over their hands, standing as the witness in their actions.

"Will you, Narcissa Malfoy, watch over my daughter, Astra Black, as I am unable to do so?"

"I will."

"And will you, to the best of your abilities, protect her from harm? No matter what."

"I will."

A thin flame of fire jumped off the tip of Lucius' wand, weaving itself around both hands like a red-hot wire. Once completed, both Narcissa and Sirius broke off their handshake - silence filling the room for about a second. He turned back to his daughter, kneeling next to her before scooping him up in her arms; where Astra wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest.

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