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Walking the halls of the dungeons, I couldn't help but notice a few of the older years who were still hanging around the halls rather than going into the common room. Some goofing off with their friends, others being couples trying to get themselves their own little privacy from the other students in the dormitories. A few of them not even being Slytherin - understandable, considering this was probably one of the places in the castle that'll be a good hiding spot. Kind of. Good hiding spot or not, it's still way too close to Professor Snape; the master of catching students in the act. I got halfway towards the dormitory when I stopped suddenly.

"What's up?" asked Finn, turning to face me.

"I have some place else to be before I enter the common room tonight." I told him.

"Okay." He turned around, ready to follow me wherever.

"Alone, Finn." I told him, "I need to do this alone."

"You sure?"

I nodded, "Plus, I need someone to cover for me in case Draco was to ask why I didn't show up after dinner. That is, if he even notices I'm missing."

"What if you need someone to cover you while you're out of the dorm?"

"I can manage myself." I turned around, headed around the corner and disappeared through the Entrance Hall, heading out towards the Owlry. It was getting pretty late, but I felt like I needed to do something else before I settled down in the dormitory for the night.


The Owlry was pretty rowdy as the owls who just arrived with students were beginning to settle down yet again. I noticed Hedwig immediately- Harry Potter's owl. Tempted, considering who I wanted to send out a letter for... but pretty sure he'd realize if his owl disappeared in the middle of the night. I looked over the Hogwarts owls before grabbing a roll of parchment and quill, sitting on the floor in the far back of the Owlry.

"Hey dad. Probably not really as surprised to hear from me. I've been writing to you ever since the Daily Prophet announced you've freed yourself from you know what. Probably a stupid move on my part, if I'm being honest. You were on the run... thousands of dementors searching every inch of ground for you... and I was at Hogwarts sending owls towards your location, hoping they'd reach you. I doubt they ever did. But I figured that since you've seen me, finally, that maybe you'll actually respond back to a letter for once. Anyways... I just wanted to let you know, dad - it feels pretty good being able to say that I might add - that I got to school safely. If you cared. Please write back. I'd really love to converse with you in some way. In any way. A howl from the mountains would be better than complete silence. -Astra Black"

I stood up once I finished the letter, folding it up as I strolled past the cages of Hogwarts owls. The school had about 300 of them, yet finding the perfect one to send out letters was always such a difficult task for me. I stopped short as my eyes caught a large brown one; opening the cage as the owl stuck out his foot, allowing for me to tie the parchment to his leg.

"Take this to Sirius Black," I whispered towards the owl, "and be discreet." The owl took flight almost immediately as I watched it flew through the skies. I let out a sigh. 'Please write back to me,' I found myself thinking out loud to myself.


As I made my way back towards the door that entered into the Slytherin common room, I couldn't help but notice a shelf of accomplishments in the corridor leading the way towards the dungeons. My eyes scanned over the plaques and awards given to students of the past for all sorts of accomplishments from outstanding student awards to quidditch; Tom Riddle, James Potter, and- My eyes focused onto a plaque for a Quidditch seeker. An award, much like James Potter had received for being chaser. Except this one read Regulus Black. Damn. Five years at this school- how have I not seen this before? I smiled at the nameplate as my hand pressed up on the glass case, "Hey Uncle Reg. Sorry I couldn't be Slytherin's seeker, like you - but hey. The family namesake still has a grasp on it." I smiled, thinking of Draco as the team's seeker. Maybe let's not explain to my dead uncle that the namesake may have involved a bit of being brought onto the team for Draco's sake- I'm still convinced he never actually tried out for Slytherin's team.

"You're still out and about?" A voice sounded from behind me. I turned around, immediately recognizing those blue-grey eyes anywhere.

"Not for long." I replied, "Heading towards the dormitory now."

He stood next to me, looking at the glass case before turning towards me, "Where'd you go? Finn was waiting outside the dormitory for a bit until Snape told him to get inside."

"The Owlry. I was just-" Did I really want to give a play-by-play about what I've just done? What if the owl I sent got my father in trouble? "I was just going for a nighttime stroll." I told him, giving off a small smile, "That's all."

"Same. I was-"

"-with Pansy." I said at the same time as he had.

He nodded.

"Where is she now?"

"Went off with a few of her friends." He shrugged, "Catching up before going in for the night."

"We probably should do that, shouldn't we?" I pointed the way towards the dungeons, "Before Snape finds us first." Five years at Hogwarts and I'm still convinced that Professor Snape is the man who never sleeps. No matter what, he will find a way to find you out in the corridors after hours. I tugged Draco's sleeve, gesturing for him to follow me as I headed towards the Slytherin dormitory.

"What were you looking at back there?" He asked me, "In the glass case?"

"Just some plaques." I replied, "Did you know my Uncle was a Seeker on the Quidditch team? Apparently, he was-"

"-Excellent." Draco finished the sentence for me, "Mother told me when I made Seeker myself. He was quite impressive, she once said."

I tried my hardest not to show disappointment as he spoke. I get I hadn't made the team myself, but a small part of me hoped she could've told me this. 'Cissy did tell me about how my father was once chaser for Gryffindor's team- being asked to leave after he pulled some prank in his sixth year. Once we both were standing in front of the doors to the common room, I turned towards Draco once more.

"Alright Prefect," I said to him, "Shall you present the password?"

"It's 'Tss'." He told me, "Like the sound a snake makes." Of course it is.

The doors opened as he spoke the password, revealing the inside of the common room. Small groups were gathered around the common room, conversing amongst one another. Draco went over to our group of friends, but I just snuck myself into the girls dormitory. An early night, yes - but the faster this day ends, the faster I get to see if my father would actually respond back (even if it may not exactly happen overnight).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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