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Everyone piling into The Great Hall all immediately sat down in seats at their appropriate tables- Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. I found an empty seat across from Draco at the Slytherin table and sat down - Finn and Blaise seated on either side of me, as Pansy sat next to Draco. Their hands interlocked. It was disgustingly cute. My cousin can be quite the little loverboy if he tried- something he learned from his father. My eyes drifted onto Harry Potter once more. Laughing with his friends. Smiling. Still couldn't help myself but feel curious. I broke off my trance to look towards my own friend group. At least the four who I actually liked. Pansy; the stubborn one, Blaise; the quiet one, Draco; the bold one, and Finn; the problematic one.

Professor McGonagall had opened the doors to The Great Hall, as all the new First Years all followed her up to the front where a stool sat with the old brown hat sat on top. The Sorting Hat. The hat that'll determine where you go and who you are. When I was a First Year, I fully expected to hear the hat yell 'Gryffindor!' as soon as it touched my head. No joke. I walked up, bracing myself fully to be separated from my favorite cousin for the next seven years. Before the hat even touched Draco's head, it was yelling out 'Slytherin!'. No surprise. He is a Malfoy. Much like The Weasleys, you could predict where he'd be for the next seven years. Mine could've gone either way, but hearing Slytherin come out of the hat's mouth was probably just a shock to me because I just expected to take after my father. Narcissa told me I probably just took after my Uncle Regulus, getting sorted into Slytherin (although, my entire bloodline has been known to get into Slytherin House - much like the Malfoy's fate), but I personally believe I spent way too much time with The Malfoys that it split my mind in two. Even if the resemblance to my uncle would explain why it was that The Dark Lord always seemed so fascinated with me; seeing someone he once had under his arm in myself. Not that I would really know much about that anyway.

The First Years all stopped at the front, facing Professor McGonagall who was now facing all of us sitting in The Great Hall. Sitting at the Professor's table behind her was Snape, Hagrid, Professor Trelawney, and a woman on the edge dressed like a pink highlighter (if you ask me, she sat in her seat as if she had a stick shoved so far up her bum that it poked at her stomach). I could only assume she would be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. There's always a new one every year due to some curse or whatever. The curse still hasn't stopped Professor Snape from gunning for the job himself. Seeing the pink highlighter must be such a headache for him (I couldn't help but snicker at the thought). Professor Dumbledore was sitting exactly in the middle of the table, as he always is.

McGonagall informed the young ones of the four houses (Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin) before calling each of them up, one by one, to be sorted into their new houses. As each new student got sorted into the house, that table would cheer and applaud. Almost as if we were competing for who could applaud and cheer the loudest. Not that it's actually a competition. Although, if you ask me, Slytherin totally find it as a competition - especially when you pin them up against Gryffindor. New first years sat over by our table one by one, being introduced to the house by both Draco and Pansy as they sat. I've never been more thankful to not have been a Prefect. I doubt I'd be any good at greeting the new students as they came into our house.

"Hey." A voice whispered over to me. My eyes looked over to see Finn bent downwards, closer to my ear. A stupid little smirk spread across his face. I just ignored him, putting my gaze back towards the rest of the first years being sorted into their houses.

"You can stay quiet." He said once more, "I'll just listen to the sound of you breathing."

I turned back towards Finn once more, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

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