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**Flashback: One week prior**

Entering back into my room this night felt a whole lot differently than it had just hours prior. My father had just left. My actual father. The man I've only just imagined meeting for... pretty much my entire life. After hearing the Harry Potter boast about him for the last couple years, I was certain I'd never get my chance. That he might've found somebody new to replace his daughter - but he was here. Actually here. In front of me. Conversing with me. Wrapping his arms around me. Suddenly, I felt as if I had just discovered a puzzle piece to a puzzle that I had long gave up on completing years ago.

I found myself falling back onto my bed, my hands coming up to hit the pillow above my head. He was here. He was actually here. He-

There was a knock on the door, causing me to sit up quick. "Come in." I spoke just before the door opened and closed; Lucius standing in front of it with a look of concern plastered across his face. A look mostly reserved for me. I never really minded it, really. As a kid, I would tease Draco about how his father used to prefer me more than him. Harmless fun. Honest. It wasn't till I got older when I began to wonder just how true that could've been; I just figured I was overthinking. There was no way.

"About earlier." He spoke.

"Oh," I told him, "It's fine. I don't mi-"

"Draco shouldn't have done that."

"Really, Lucius." I put my hand up, "I didn't mind."

"He really shouldn't have to put that burden on you, Astra. He-"

"Please," I told him, "don't get too upset with what he had done." I found myself standing up as I pleaded for my cousin, "I was the one who asked him to say something. He was just doing what I-"

"He should've known-"

"Please." I shot Lucius with pleading eyes. The man may seem to convince the Wizarding World that he's terrifying, but he truly is just a big ole softie. Don't tell him I said that. "Besides," I added, "Draco didn't even say that much. You seriously can't be too upset with what he did."

"I just don't want you to feel like you have to worry." He sounded more worried than anything - a sense of tone that most wouldn't know to link together when they think of Lucius Malfoy. Unless, maybe, you're Narcissa. She was the only person I've met who was able to twist this man around her finger just the right way; which is probably how she came to convince him to keep watch over the daughter of a man who was so against his "Lord".

"Astra?" He asked in a caring voice, catching me off guard, "You seriously don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of it."

"You don't have-"

"I'll take care of it." He said more sternly. I nodded. If there was one thing I learned having lived with The Malfoys so long, it's that you don't argue back with the head of house.

"Hey Lucius." I called out just as he opened the door to exit.

"Yes?" He looked back towards me.

"I trust you." I told him, "You know that, right?"

He didn't respond.

"For fifteen years, you were my father. Lucius. I trust you."

"You have a father." He answered, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Sirius Black may be my father, but you are my father. I've felt more of a Malfoy than a Black my entire life and I don't think I can go back to that life just yet. I don't want to... I'd miss this one too much."

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