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"we aren't fucking tho"

she lied like a mf

within two days my head was in between her thighs

"Baby girl?" i ask as i play in her hair.
her naked body was pressed firmly against me

"mmmm yes mommy?" she says all so softly and i groan "Dont make me fuck you agian y/n you're meeting up with your friends and i don't think you want a limp"

she bites her lip and pushes her face into my boobs

"So are you getting up my love? or do i need to dress you"

"dress me" she mumbles

i roll my eyes and lift y/n easily off my body and place her back on the bed

i grab her panties shorts a sport bra and a hoodie
my hoodie
and my shorts

once she's dressed she lifts her arms once agian

"Needy bitch"

"i'm your needy bitch now pick me up before i find some e-"

i kiss her shutting her up

as i pick her up i squeeze her ass roughly

"watch your mouth it "

"Or what? hmm? whatcha gonna do?" she says getting down

"spank me? tie me up? oh trust mommy i'm so so ready for it"

i groan and as i was about to grab her billie came in with shark and shark tackled us with kisses

"My bad! was yall about to fuck??"

y/n just giggled and played with shark

the girl has a love for animals and i hate it

just like i hate that mini pig i got her
worst decision i've made

the pig gets more love then me



"we were about to fuck..right"

"yea..too bad this cute boy came in"

i groan and billie laughs "You'll loose everytime renee, she loves animals"

i roll my eyes as billie finally removes her dog from my girlfriend

"babe?" "hmmmmm" is all i could muster

"can i um...can i drive your car? i mean..The jeep?"

i've never let her drive that one. any of the others are up for grabs

"Pookie..not that one.."

she gives me the cutest look before kissing me deeply

pushing me onto the bed and sitting on my lower stomach and grinding

she knows how to get what she wants i must admit

i groan as she abruptly gets off of me

"babe t-"

"lemme drive"

"y/n i d"

she gets on her knees and because i was only in a t shirt and panties still she easily went in between my thigh

long story short

i gave her the keys to the jeep


"where are we going anyway?"



"no it's so fun because you..renee jane rapp love me and want to make me very happy with the freshly squeezed lemonade"

i roll my eyes

"Yes i love you Mrs. Y/l/N"

she giggles and rest her hand on my inner thigh


"what baby? You think i'll make a mess of you agian?" she says so innocently

"You're really using your mouth as an advantage aren't you?"

"mmmm my teacher taught me well"

i bite my lip as we pull up to the carnival



"be good"

"i'm always good"

"i'm always good" she mocks as she backs into the parking space

"this is a l-"

she kisses me

"Limited edition 1989 Jeep reconstructed with personalized headlights and a race car engine yes yes baby i know i know"

i roll my eyes as i get out and once she's out i take the keys

"Cute ass"

"Mmm i know right? my girlfriend loves it"

A/N Kj imma post it bc i know you wanted it
but it's not finshed? so i'll continue it in the next chapter because my day is full asf

Mommy; Renee Rapp X Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt