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I WAS GONNA GIVE THIS TOMMOROW BUT IMMA POST 18 TOMORROW and yall gonna hate 18(maybe just the beginning)

Renee had it all..Even when growing up..well atleast i thought

but in reality we had so much in common it was kinda scary

Renee's parents were filthy rich..They were never were home and constantly left her with the nanny..The nanny that was deathly scared of renee and her antics

Y/n Was on the..well they made it work
her parents were never home due to her mother being a travel nurse and her father being a drunk cheating ass

y/n and renee clicked though

from the day there were in diapers

since there mothers were oddly friends anyway
it was just their luck


"Nae i'm scared" Y/n whines as it thunders

"y/n it's just a storm! don't be such a baby"

y/n sniffs as tears fall and little renee puffs and gets out of her bed flicking the lights on

renee looks at y/n and wipes her tears

"Come on pookie..If we cuddle will that help?"

at the time they were 9 with no cares in the world

and like most nights y/n was at renee's staying the night

y/n fastly nodded as renee opens her arms for the smaller girl "jump" so she did

renee made her way back to her california king and covered herself up aswell as y/n and claps her hands making the lights turn back off

"Yes nae?"

"When i get older..well we when get older you know youre gonna be mine and mine only right?"

y/n giggles as renee has said this multiple times

"Yea nae i know"

renee smiles and plays in y/n hair "I'm forreal though y/n you think i'm playing but i'm not"

"Nae we have so long until we're old"

"Time waits for no man" as renee says that they burst out laughing as her nanny comes in

"Girls it's time to go to sleep"

renee sucks her teeth and claps making her rainbow lights turn on agian

"Why are you in my room old lady?"

"why aren't you asleep little girl?"

renee smiles "You should sleep with one eye open"

"is that a threat?"

"no it's a promise now get the fuck out"

Yes even at 9 her language was very- colorful

but non the less her nanny left and she groans

"bitches be trippin"

"they sure do"  billie says climbing through the window

"Bro why your room so high up?"

"so intruders like you can't get in" renee laughs as she pulls y/n closer and billie lays on the other side of them

"why you here bil?"

"Pops smacked Ma agian- her dumbass seas crying instead of leaving him. All honesty didn't wanna hear it"

renee nods as y/n whines "How'd you not get wet?"

"It's not raining right now mamas and i do only live a house down so if i ran fast i wouldn't be soaked" billie said in a 'duh' tone

"Girls!" renee nanny says coming in and billie gives her the coldest look

"Bitch we talking get out!"

the nanny puffs once agian
renee never bothered to call her by her name..which was annie

all she would every say was the nanny as would billie

y/n on the other hand being the obedient child she was would always call her mrs annie

renee let out a lounge yawn wich fastly spread to billie and y/n

within 10 minutes communication fell short
and all three girls were snoring softly

End of flashback

Y/N pov

renee had a studio day so i was out and about on my own

i went to target and grabbed some stuff and then made my way to the coffee shop where i saw a very familiar face

"ANDRE!" i squealed "BITCHHHHHHH!" he says happily running and hugging me

Andre was the friend who had it all
but he was constantly moving because of his parents

me and renee met him in 3rd he stayed two years
left came back in seventh then left in eleventh

me and him were best friends even if we didn't talk for months

i think the last time we talked is when renee kidnapped me for our anniversary party

hes about 5'6 with brown skin and curly hair
and he always has the newest perfumes

even before renee gets them
ngl it pisses her off

andre grabs my arm pulling me to a table

"so spill the tea! you've been beating around the bush y/n! How's you and our girl nae?"

he says as he sips his coffee

"We're good"

"mhm cut the bull, my friend heard she makes her girls sign NDAs and sign a Workbook long contract including rules and punishments and shit- is it true"

"I'm not sure"  i say lying. andre could tell i knew he could

"So she ain't with that kinky bdsm shit? my girl your vjay jay must be tired!"

i smack him and groan "what about you dre? how's you and luka?"

his eyes light up and i can tell i've gotten him off the subject of my love life

"Hes so cute! like my god y/n! Look!" he says pulling out his phone and exiting his hidden photos before showing me ten million pictures of him and luka

the boy does have good taste if i may add

i didn't realize that hours had past

or that it was 9pm until renee walks in looking around for me

her eyes meet mine and i can tell she's unhappy with me

"andre i g-"

before i can finsh she was sitting beside me her arm snaking around my waist

"Why the fuck is your phone on DND? hmm?" she whispers into my ear and i inhale deeply

rule number 67 Do not put your phone on Dnd unless it's an emergency

i gulp and andre snickers "By the look on your/ns face and the fire in those cute eyes of yours renee i can tell she's enlightened something in you. rather that ends badly for her or not is my question" he says with a smile

renee digs her nails into my inner thigh and looks at andre

"She just does stupid shit sometimes andre! but how you been sugar tooth? how's luka?"

the boy lights up agian and i giggle as he begins showing pictures all over and renee has to cut him off

"andre what about you meet me and pookie here at the mall tomorrow? say 1?"


my face turns bright red as she chuckles and kisses my neck "Yea..Yea i do"

"Awwwwww!" i groan and hide my face as renee smiles and abruptly lifts me up and waves by to dre

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