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Y/n woke up early

7 am to be exact but lucky for her renee and billie already set up

rose pedals around the entire house

ballons and teddy bears

Sparking grape juice because y/n can't have alcohol

a fort set up to watch there favorite movie at breakfast

y/n looks around and sees boxes or wrapped gifts and as she giggles renee wraps her arms around her waist

"You're up early, i usally have to drag you out of bed"

"Yea mamas why are you up so early" billie says with her raspy voice rubbing her eyes

y/n in return giggles and kisses renee as she turns around

then goes and gives billie a kiss aswell

renee brought y/n to the couch and says

"which gift do you want to open?"

y/n looks over and sees the boxes but oddly sees an envelope aswell

she giggles and points to it and billie smirks and renee exhales "You sure about that one?"

"yea? please" renee inhales and nods and grabs the envelope

handing it to y/n as billie records with a smirk

y/n opens it and billie chuckles "read it outloud"

"This is a voucher, to top me for ONE hour or less, Valid 15 days"

with renee's cute signature

y/ns eyes light up

"REALLY!?!?" billie laughed hard and renee inhales deeply

"Yea pookie..really.."

"Right now???"

billie chuckles loudly "told you"

"shut it oconnell"

"go ahead y/n your hours starts now"

billie stops recording as y/n kisses renee and straddles her lap
renee's hands automatically roaming as y/n pulls away "no no no, keep your hands away baby or i'll have to tie them up"

renee "you aren't tying my hands down any fucking where"

"mmmm but i so will you signed which means your mine until that timer goes off"

renee was a actually not hating it as much as she let on
as they made there way to the bedroom and y/n hovered over her

her panties were soaked with y/n taking control

"y/n no hickeys i have press tommorow"

"let them know you belong to me" y/n says with a smirky grin

she continues
leaving hickeys all the way down using the same scissors to cut off her clothes that renee had used on her so many times

billie sat back and watched in enjoyment

"that was prada" renee says as she lets out soft hushed moans

"girl shut up and enjoy it. i'll buy you another" billie says and renee gives in and completely relaxes

y/n giggles and she grabs cuffs snapping them around renee's wrist

renee doesn't complain she just bites her lip

y/n takes her time teasing her nipples through her laxy bra before cutting it off aswell

billie smirks hearing renee whimper and moan at y/ns touch

"billie can you hand me to the toy box?"

"billie don't you dare"

billie smirks and hands her the toy box as she takes out a small vibrating bullet
slipping it directly into renee's wet core

y/n giggles and says "open" renee inhales and opens her mouth as y/n has her suck the wetness off her fingers

"you taste so good don't you think?"

renee just blushes not used to this feeling

she was doing her best not to moan with the vibrator that was in light speed

y/n watches as renee crosses her legs and lets out a loud moan as she turns the speed up

"mmmm no no" she says grabbing rope and spreading her legs tying them so they stay open

renee lets out a whine as her panties are cut off

"so wet for me" y/n says mockingly as she takes a very slow and long lick of renee savoring every second because god knows it may be another 365 until this happens agian

y/n apples pressure to her clit slowly rubbing in soft circles and renee starts to moves around at the feeling

y/n takes the vibrator out and it's replaced by her fingers
thrusting them into renee at a medium pace speed

renee whines loudly feeling herself tighten as the alarm goes off

y/n pulls her fingers out and sucks them as renee groans

"you can't do that"

"If you sign your name and give me another hour..i'll make sure you finsh mommy" she says so seductively

"of fuck billie get me a pen"

her signature was written and y/ns head went to her core

fucking her with her tongue
using her thumb to keep pressure

billie was enjoying seeing renee a hot and bothered mess

and everytime she got close y/n pulled away

"oh fuck me kitten please"

"beg " y/n says looking at the time

"i'm not be- oh mmmml renee says feeling her fingers slowly pumping her

"please fuck me" renee mumbles

"louder baby or i'll stop"

"Please fuck me y/n!"

"mmmmm sure"

unties renee and goes right back down

renee's hands intertwine in her hair as she pulls her closer

"fuck right there" renee gasp

she was not expecting you to/n be be so good at this

as the timer went off this time y/n didn't stop

she kept going until renee's legs were shaking and she was a moaning mess gripping the sheets with wetness below her

y/n moans as renee cums and she licks it up and renee lifts her up and kisses her

"who taught you that"

"billie" y/n giggles and renee shoots billie a look

"Aye as soon as you said you'd let her top a few months back i had to train her alittle"

A/N i'm catching up on Dms and comments rn

250 comments between last chapter and this one for part two of this chapter

for Everyone and anyone who wanted renee to top

wwe_fanfiction Hate you, kidding

your_local_lesbian08 Love you, mean it

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