Author's Note

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Hello there! You may know me on Quotev. I'm under the same username and I finally thought I was about time I'd share my stories elsewhere.
As you can tell by the title of this book it's exactly what it is. So I hope you all enjoy!
Also, if you can not absolutely stand SW ships, this may not be the story for you. I personally don't ship any characters but I've found so many and I thought I'd be fun for me to use them.
Before you begin to read, please do not copy or repost my work anywhere else. If you want to share my story, you can ask. Depending on the circumstances, I'll most likely say yes. If you are to write your own story in this style, go for it! But don't copy my work. I'd like to see your version. Also, please do not take my OCs without my permission. Again, depending on the circumstances, I may or may not let you use them. This can very.
Anyway, I've got the chapters all written out, but I've decided to post one every week. I'm thinking either every Wednesday or Friday... depending how this goes :)

I'll also say that my OC's are in it too. I'll introduce them to you all:

Reighna Undreza: Reighna was a former Padawan of Seserria Belga. Reighna is strong, kind and a bit of a goof at times. She cares for all people and wants to do what is best for them. She has a Padawan who has been dubbed a Jedi knight, Paige Unduly. Reighna is the General of the 602nd. Reighna is a Hequin species. This race of people has pale skin and have a range of blue to green eyes. Their hair is jet black and depending on their age, that is the amount of silver streaks they'll have. Example would be: 25 years of age = 25 streaks of silver hair. or 10 years of age = 10 streaks of hair. You get the jist of it. So, if a Hequin ever lives up to 100, they'll basically have a full head of silver hair. (Cool huh?)

Paige Unduly: Paige Unduly was the former Padawan of Reighna Undreza. She is now a Jedi knight and is the General of the 912th. Paige also has a young apprentice. Brook Tezega. Paige is shy and on the quiet side. She cares deeply for her troopers and can be seen in the medical bay comforting and caring for them. She is also a HUGE book worm. (Kinda like me).

Brook Tezega: Brook is a lively but gentle person. She is the Padawan of Paige Unduly. She loves to hang out with and chat to two special arc troopers, Dagger and Circuit. She looks up to them like brothers. She is the Commander of the 912th.

Commander Trekker: Trekker is Paige's second in Command. He is serious but has a great sense of humor. He cares and protects his brothers and his leading officials at all costs. He also is a bit of a book worm too. He constantly has to catch up on the reg manuals. (Did you get the reference?) He looks up to Arc Trooper Circuit as his mentor and guidance.

Commander Steel: Steel is 609th's Commander. Steel is kinda on the quiet side but with Reighna, his mood lightins up. Steel is always on his toes keeping his chaotic battalion out of trouble.

Arc Trooper Dagger and Circuit: Dagger is the livelier of the two. Circuit is too but he is much older. (He has gray hair you know). "Not what he used to be" He states. Dagger knows how to get to Trekker. But in a good way. He helps Trekker through his problems. Circuit give Trekker all he knows. He gives him tips and is always there when Trekker needs him.

Other Characters that are mentioned:

Sting: the medic of the 912th

Rev, Winch, Sledge, and Rocky, the pilot.

Celestia and Sylvester: King and Queen of an independent planet called Uvan. (Totally made up ;)) You'll learn more about them in my book called 'Code and Duty'. Which will hopefully be out soon... That book is about Paige Unduly.


Rex & Ahsoka

Anakin & Padme

Satine & Obi Wan

Tahl & Qui Gon

Cody & Kathleen (Kathleen's husband died a few years before and she had a daughter. Her name is Millie. She's about 5).

Hunter & Helena

Tech & Phee (Why not. I don't ship them but it's fun to watch these two interact).

Crosshair & Emerie Carr (if any of you have watched TBB season 2. And no, I don't ship them. I just thought I'd use them for the story).

Kix & Jess

Hardcase & Ellie

Fives & Sierra

Tup & Carly

Bly & Ayla

Wrecker & Lexi

Riyo & Fox

Wolffe & Kendall

Steel & Reighna

Paige & Trekker

Echo & Tanya

Jesse & Zoey

Omega & Benny (Why not? And no, I do not ship the two. But I could help but note how Hunta reacted).

If you are to use any of my OCS, please let me know. I will let you use them just as long you give credit to me. And please do not copy my stories. I work hard on them. Thanks for understanding.

Know, this is where the fun Baggins

~ Quote from The Grey Jedi on YT.

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