Chapter 8: Melts Ones Heart

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Just fluff to melt your hearts. I know it melted mine :)

Ahsoka set down her bag of groceries on the kitchen floor. She then dug in her satchel and pulled out a small bottle of medication. Ashla had come down with a nasty cold, so Ahsoka had Rex look after her while she was gone. She finished measuring the approximate amount for Ashla's age and headed towards her daughter's room. She quietly opened the door and peeked inside so that the suddenness of the outside light didn't startle her. Ahsoka furrowed her brow. The blankets seemed off. She approached the bed and saw that she wasn't there. Ahsoka was shocked for only a moment. For she then heard a faint cough coming from another room. She quickly stepped out and crossed the hallway into her and Rex's room. The sight made Ahsoka smile. She saw in the bed Rex with Ashla in his arms. Ashla whimpered due to the fever she had but was still asleep. Rex opened his eyes due to the creak the door made when Ahsoka opened it.

" Yeah, she couldn't sleep." He admitted. Coughing slightly " And to be honest," he cleared his throat, " I think I've come down with the cold too." Rex chuckled. Only to wince at the pain in his throat.

" Guess I'll have to get some medicine for you too then huh?" Ahsoka asked with a smile and feeling his temperature. He did feel warm.

" That'd be great." He said with a smile.

Ahsoka nodded and headed out of the room to get him some medicine. Moments later she found him asleep. She took the liberty to take a holo-pic. This holo-pic was going to be one of her personal favorites.


Qui Gon had the job to look after Millie while Cody and Kathleen were away doing an errand. Tahl wanted to go with Cody and Kathleen on the errand. Obi Wan and Satine wanted to look after Millie, but Qui Gon was adamant about this topic.

" You've hogged her long enough." Qui Gon said picking up Millie. " It's my turn."

" I suppose you're right." Obi Wan said with a sigh. " I'll go with Cody and Kathleen on the shopping trip."

Qui Gon nodded, " Have fun!" With that, he walked out of the living room and into his and Tahl's room. He sat Millie on the large armchair that sat in the corner of their room overlooking the garden.

" Alright my dear." Qui said. " I know it's almost your nap time," He said turning to his large bookshelf, " I think I'd be nice for me to read you a story before you do so." He turned around to face is granddaughter, with a book in hand, " How does that sound?"

Millie coed and played with the small bantha toy she held in her hands.

Qui Gon smiled and walked over to the chair, picked Millie up and sat himself on the chair.

One hour later

" It's quiet in here." Satine said setting down her purse.

" Perhaps Millie is still sleeping." Kathleen said putting the groceries down on the counter.

" Qui Gon normally is here to greet us." Tahl noticed, " This is not like him. I hope he hasn't come down with anything. Yesterday he was a bit pale."

" He's fine." Cody said with a smile.

" Where did you go?" Kathleen exclaimed. " You were here just a minute ago."

" Oh, I went to see Millie. I thought she was in her room napping." Cody said letting out a chuckle. " Turns out, she wasn't in her room, but in Qui's room."

" Sleeping?" Satine asked.

" Yes, sleeping, but Qui is with her." Cody smiled, " They're in the big armchair. It's a rather cute sight. I'll admit that."

" Let's have a look then, shall we?" Obi Wan said walking quietly up the stairs and into Qui's room.

" Well, that is a sweet sight, isn't it?" Tahl said. Despite that she is blind she could feel the peace and the bond they both had.

" It really is." Kathleen said taking a holo-picture.


" Alright girls." Steel said after closing the door behind Reighna.

" Your mother has some important stuff to do-"

" You mean Light day shopping?" Allie said raising her brow.

Steel nodded slowly. His daughter was smart. Too smart.

" Yes, that. But aside from that, what would you both like to do?"


" I wanna learn how to spar." Allie said absent mindedly.

" Why?" Elsee asked turning to her twin. One thing that you should know about these two is that, despite they are twins, they are polar opposites.

" I don't know. Mom knows how to spar, Dad trains shinies, why can't we?"

Elsee considered the fact. " I think that is a good idea." She then looked up at Steel. " Can we dad? Can you teach us to spar? Please?"

Steel sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. " I don't know. I mean, you may get hurt-"

" Dad, we know we'll get hurt. Don't we Elsee?" Allie said turning to her sister. Elsee nodded.

" Your mother might want my hide..." Steel began.

" And your point is?" Elsee asked quietly.

" No point." Steel said raising his hands in surrender. " Alright, suit up, I'll drive you to our training grounds.

" YES!" The two girls said in union and ran to gather their things.


" Alright, you try now." Steel said wiping his brow from sweat.

The two girls got into position.

" Kay, now kick your one leg as high as you can on the punching bag." Steel instructed.

They did what they were told. Elsee fell from the position, but Allie held hers perfectly.

Steel chuckled, " You both did well considering that we did this for about one and a half hours. " You both tired?"

" I am." Elsee said taking the flask of water that Steel had given her.

" I'm ok." Allie said. She then looked at her dad straight in the eyes," Can I ask you something?"

Steel raised his brows, looking at her while he drank his water willing her to go on.

" Can I spar you?"

The question caught Steel off guard. He almost chocked on his drink.

" Sorry?"

" Can I spar you." Allie said with determination.

" I don't know kiddo." Steel said putting his flask down. " I'm bigger than you are, and stronger."

" I'm pretty sure that's obvious dad."

Steel mentally smacked himself.

" I've watched you and Uncle Blackout spar. Please dad? Pleease?"

Steel sighed. " Alright. I'm going to go easy on you." He said leading her to the ring. " Whenever you're ready."

Allie nodded her head and readied herself. She then lunged herself at Steel. Steel easily got out of the way. He then looked to where she went. Steel furrowed his brow. Where did Allie go?

Elsee suppressed the urge to giggle. Allie was right behind Steel.

Allie then poked Steel's side. Causing him to shy away. Allie then used her foot to kick her father behind the knees. He landed with a thud. She then put her small foot on his broad chest.

" How did I do dad?"

Steel smiled and rolled his eyes. " You did well, you did well." He tapped her foot to signal he had surrendered.

" But not all people have ticklish sides. and some people wear armor." Steel reminded her.

" I know." Allie said. " But sometimes, if you know the victim well enough, you know the weak spot." She giggled.

Steel shook his head but smiled.

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