Chapter 12: Nothin is Gonna Stop Me From Coming to You

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Steel, Allie and Elsee's father has been off world for about 7 months. But today they miss him extra. Why? It's because it's their tenth birthday today....


Reighna washed the last dish and set it down to dry. She looked over to the girls who were quietly discussing what they got. They talked excitedly but Reighna knew there was something was not right. But she knew the answer. Steel was away and they wanted their father more than anything. Reighna sighed and walked over to the girls. Reighna looked at the clock, it was 17:00 p.m. (8:00). She wanted to sit down with the girls before she put them to bed. She left the kitchen, forcing a smile.

" Did you two at least have fun today?" She asked sitting on the other couch across from theirs.

" Yes, we did Mama!" Allie spoke swiping some of dark hair from her face. She often spoke for her sister, Elsee. Who was more on the quieter side. Like her father.

" Elsee? Did you?" Reighna asked looking at her other daughter. Elsee nodded, " Yeah, I had fun today. Thanks for making today special Mama."

Reighna opened her arms inviting the girls to come and sit with her. They both came, bringing something from their gift pile to fiddle with. Reighna helped them settle. She began to slowly rub up and down their arms.

" I know it's not easy for you two today." She began. She sighed slightly.

" I just want Papa here." Elsee whimpered. " I miss him."

" I know, I know." Reighna spoke hushing her. " When your Papa received word that he was to be shipped off past your birthday, he was not the happiest camper. But what got him even more was that he was not able to at least call you two today."

" I know." Allie spoke. She fiddled with her small toy. " Duty comes first. Papa is helping many people right now. And that's what counts, right?"

Reighna nodded her head. " Yes, yes, it does. He's very very proud of his girls. You two are growing up to be fine young ladies!" She spoke in a lighter tone. " It's only a few months till he's back."

" I know." Allie answered stretching a bit. Trying to stifle a yawn.

" I saw that." Reighna spoke stroking Allie's cheek. " You can't hide the fact that you're tired."

" But I'm- "She yawned again.

"Come on." Reighna spoke getting up. I'll tell you a story if you get dress fast enough." Without hesitation the girls ran to their room. Reighna chuckled softly to herself.


Reighna shut the door to the girl's room. She had told them at least 3 stories. She had finally got them settled for the night. Since they lived in an apartment, there was no need to walk down any stairs. She went to the living room and sat herself on the couch. She buried her head her hands. Tears began to fall.

"They missed him so much today." She sobbed quietly. She looked at the picture of their family that was hanging up. "They have been so good." She murmured. "They're doing better than me." She cried quietly for a few moments. Once the tears stopped flowing, she sat there a few minutes to regain her composer. She ran her hand through her long black hair.

" Just a few more months. Then, he'll be home." She encouraged softly to herself. She got up and made her way to the kitchen. She was going to make herself a cup of tea and head off to bed. Once she set the kettle on to boil and found the tea, she put her elbows on the countertop and waited. She was deep in thought. A few moments later a small noise startled her. She looked up. She then brushed it aside; the girls must have dropped a toy of theirs. She thought to herself. She looked back at the kettle; it was almost done. A few moments later the noise came again, but a little louder. Reighna stood to her full height and listened. Again, the noise came, but louder. Someone was at the door.

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