33.2 || Orion

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By now, the mid-afternoon sun had begun to climb through the sky and the distant sounds of shouting trickled through the trees. Side by side, they walked silently down the open-aired hallway and stepped onto a well beaten path in what looked like a set of gardens. Orion twirled his bracelet around his wrist, doing his utmost best to pay attention to the sound of gravel crunching beneath their shoes. They stepped through a leafy archway and turned right past a bench and down another, wider path and as they walked Orion took the silence as a moment to ponder his next move.

His eleven keepers were nowhere in sight and while he was grateful for the prince's help with his injuries, he was apprehensive about what was to come. As the silence stretched onwards, Orion finally could not help himself. He stopped dead in his tracks and spun around to face the prince.

"Forgive me for asking, but where are you taking me?"

"To the castle gates." The prince tilted his head, shrugging, "I am short on time and cutting through the gardens is a shortcut. I see no point in you wandering the castle grounds for any longer."

Orion blinked. He had not expected the prince to say so true to his word and as if sensing his confusion, the prince laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"I have no fear in you wandering off. After all, if you break our agreement, I will immediately turn you over to my father." He narrowed his eyes, "You understand that, don't you?"

The prince had a good point and Orion felt the slow churn of frustration rumble throughout his stomach. His aunts had yet to make an appearance and it was troubling to think that they were unlikely to find him any time soon. Once again, he found himself at the mercy of someone else's will and through the echoes of his thoughts, Orion heard himself agreeing with the prince.

They began walking once again, following the well-trodden path until they reached a fountain where two women giggled under the shade of a small willow tree. Upon catching sight of the prince they offered hasty curtsies and sent an inquisitive look towards Orion. He took a deep breath, gave them a tight smile and then hurried to join the prince beyond another archway; this one was flanked on either side by a pair of regal peacock statues.

It was no surprise to find that his presence incited curiosities, and Orion could not help but feel apprehensive about what was to come. For if the prince was serious in wanting Orion's help, he dreaded the prospect of having to navigate the questions and suspicions that were sure to come his way. Nevertheless, if he was to embrace his Aunt Reuna's spirit of adventure, then perhaps this experience would offer ample opportunity to hone his abilities to lie. He followed in the prince's shadow, listening as the distant sounds of chatter and activity intensified. Dirt paths merged into cobblestone, trees were replaced by pillars and soon Orion found himself standing in a gateway leading into the castle's main courtyard.

Looking up, he caught sight of several guards standing atop the outerwall looking out into the city beyond. Below them, two men bickered by the gatehouse while a bemused sentry looked on and periodically motioned for them to step aside and let in other visitors. Orion wrinkled his nose. He may have no real idea what they were arguing about, but judging from the impatient cart horses by their sides, it looked as if neither could agree who to let by first.


"I beg your pardon?" Orion did his best to scoff but quickly gave up when he realised there was no point in blustering about. The castle served as a perfect mirror of the bustling city just beyond its walls. Unlike the towns bordering the Mulgar river, this place offered nowhere to hide and swallowing, Orion turned to the prince with a resigned sigh.

""I grew up only going into small towns to accompany my family to markets. This–" Casting his hand over the scene before him, he continued, "I'm not used to being around so many people all at once."

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