Beach - ☁️

137 4 1

Jeonghan - 18
Joshua - 17


Joshua POV

" YOU WORTHLESS CHILD " Mr. Hong said with him kicking joshua in the stomach.

" i- im sorry dad, i will do better in the next exam... " Joshua said while putting his hand on his stomach.

" i dont care bitch, you better have 100 in the next one or you will be living on the fucking streets. got it? "
Mr.Hong said and he punched Joshua on the arm, chest, stomach, everywhere.

" y-yes dad... "

" now go to your room and study. dont sneak out. if you sneak out, dont come home. "

" okay dad. " Joshua said before walking upstairs to his room.

He entered his room and drop himself on the floor. He cried silently untill he fall asleep on the floor.

He woke up at 11 p.m. and decided to go to the Beach. its his favorite place to cry. its his comfort place. its his place to stay away from his dad.

He arrived at the beach. he sat down in the sand and started crying silently.
its 11.30 p.m. right now, he cried for 20 minutes.

Joshua didnt know that there is someone staring at him since he cried.
The person finally walked up to joshua and sat in the sand beside him. joshua felt there is a person next to him, so he lift his head up and look at the person that sat beside him.

" are you okay joshua? " the person asked.

" j-jeonghan? what do you want? why are you here? you want to bully me again? go ahead. " joshua said.

" n-no joshua, im asking you. are you okay? " jeonghan said

" do i look like that im okay? "

" do you want to hug me? "

" no, why would i hug a bully? "

" just hug me and let it all out joshua "

" f-fine! " joshua said while jeonghan is spreading his arms waiying for joshua to hug him.

Joshua cried for 7 minutes. he didnt even know why it was comfortable that he was in jeonghan's arms.

" joshua? " jeonghan called him softly

" yea? "

" yk what, nevermind. "

" what is it jeonghan? " joshua lift his head up that was in jeonghan's chest. joshua stared at jeonghan in his eyes.

" i lik- no, i love you. " jeonghan confessed.

" wait what? " joshua asked him in confusion but blushed at the same time.

" i love you joshua. i liked you since 10th grade. you are so pretty,handsome,cute,deer look alike. and you never try to be someone else, you always try to be yourself. im sorry i've been bad towards you, its beacuse i was jealous whenever you are with seokmin. i just wanted you to be with me all the time. i know im selfish, sorry joshua. its okay if you dont like me back, i understand. " jeonghan said while staring at joshua eyes.

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