1 - Meet

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The school bell goes

Charlie walks through the Truham hallway with a big smile on his face

He sees a notification on his phone

Ben Hope - I can't wait to see you x

Charlie smiles and makes his way to the library

Charlie: Ben?

Charlie checks his phone and sees another notification

Ben Hope - Actually can we meet up at break instead?

Charlie - Okay 😊❤️

Charlie makes his way to his new tutor

Teacher: Oh! If it isn't Charlie Spring. Happy New Year.
Charlie: Hi, sir.
Teacher: Come to join the ranks of Hamlet House?
Charlie: Apparently so.

The teacher tells Charlie he's sat with Nick

Charlie sees Nick and then sits down

Charlie: * smiles* Hi.
Nick: * smiles* Hi.

The bell rings

Charlie makes his way to the music practice room where Ben is waiting

The bell goes again

Cut to few days later

Nick and Charlie have been talking a lot in the halls

Nick draws a smiley face on Charlie's hand from when Nick accidentally drew on his hand

They bump into Ben

Charlie: Hey.
Ben: What?
Charlie: Uh... Just, "hi".
Ben: * chuckles* Why are you talking to me? I don't know who you are. * to Nick* Alright mate?
Nick: Yeah, alright.
Ben: Yeah.

Ben then leaves

Charlie: Your friends with Ben?
Nick: Uh, yeah. He's in my year. We hang out sometimes. I think he has a thing for my sister.
Charlie: Oh. I didn't know you had a sister.
Nick: A story for another day.

They continue walking


Charlie is sat with Isaac and Tao

Tao keeps forgetting and keeps getting Elles drink

Charlie keeps staring at Nick

Tao comments on how he looks like a Golden Retriever

Tao tells him to be careful

Tao: He is the star player on the rugby team and he's friends with a bunch of loud, gross Year 11s who are like the guys who bullied you last year. Plus his sister is mental.
Charlie: But like.... Nick..... He's different. He's nice.
Tao: I bet he's a whole different person when he's with his bro dude friends.

Isaac laughs

Charlie watches Nick and the boys play Rugby

Tao texts Elle

At Higgs

Elle checks her phone

They message about Charlie liking Nick

Elle gets her phone taken from her

Alana walks past with her friends, Lily and Hannah

Alana: * laughs* Shut up. My brother is just a boring Rugby lad with a bunch of disgusting friends.

Alana sees Elle and decides to sit with her

Alana: Your new here yeah?
Elle: Yeah.... Why do you care?
Alana: Alright rude. Just wanted to see if you wanted to make friends. No need to be so hostile.
Elle: Sorry.
Alana: Don't be. My names Alana. Alana Nelson.
Elle: My names Elle.
Alana: Nice to meet you.
Elle: You too.

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