Mr. Who Now?

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"So why don't you try out? You like to sing don't you?" Dexter prodded conversationally as we sat on the bench outside the opera house. We had watched tryouts yesterday, and it was like 'American Idol' with both terrible and talented singers and actors. There were some good musicians too but no one that stood out, there was no Prima Donna. Yet.
"Just don't want to, I don't think I'd be cut out for that life." I lied, I didn't want him to know it'd be too painful, or else he'd begin to ask and I would just have to lie to him too. 'I'm not cut out for that life anymore. I'm not cut out to live anymore really....'
He raised a perfect eyebrow at me, and I just shook my head. A small DING sounded and a light flashed from Dex's pocket. He took out his phone and stared at the screen furrowing his eyebrows then frowning in disappointment and confusion. "Damn, I've got to go home. Bye." He stated slowly, rising to his feet and me standing up as well. We hugged and he kissed me lightly on the cheek. I'm blinked in surprise at the affection bit did not question it. I just waved as he left and sat back down, burying my face in my hands.
This was all too confusing.
Did I have feelings for him?
How could I?
How could I not?
I didn't know.
I groaned and grabbed my book, my feet dragging across the cement sidewalk. I stopped, not upon want actually, but because my body wanted to. I turned and came face to face wither the grand opera doors at the entrance of the opera house. I tried to move, to continue my trek home, but my body wouldn't let me. I huffed exasperatedly and and walked in, there was no one in sight and I was pretty sure I could some here without permission.
Pretty sure.
Not 100% but still.
I snuck down the corridors, it was quite easy to avoid everybody considering I knew this place better than the back of my hand. I stopped sneaking, what did I have I loose? Nothing really.
I ran my fingers over the familiar stone that lined the walls singing softly under my breath.
"The day starts, the day stops, time crawls by,
Nighttime steals pacing the floor,
The moments creep yet I can't bare to sleep,
Till I hear you sing once more.
And weeks pass, and months pass, seasons fly.
Still you don't walk through my door,
And in a haze I count the silent days,
Till I what you sing once more." My voice stayed strong, despite the emotions swirling in my body and mind, and the pain I knew contorted my face.
"And sometimes at nighttime I dream that you are there,
But wake holding nothing but the empty air.
And years come and years go, time runs dry,
Still I ache down to the core.
Mr broken soul, can't be alive and whole,
Till I hear you sing once more.
And music, your music, it teases at my ear,
I turn and it fades away and your not here!" I really just noticed how much I related to this, it was almost unreal, how much of a reality this song was to me.
"Let hopes past, let dreams pass, let them die,
Without you what are they for?
I'll always feel no more than halfway real,
Till I hear you sing once more!" I finished gasping for air, my chest heaving at the large amount of work. I had not been prepared for that at all, but it felt right.
I twisted my neck to peer down a hall that I heard large footsteps come down from. It was the host from yesterday, Andrew I believe, and he had seen me. No point in hiding now. I blushed profusely at being caught down a hall by myself singing. "Uh hi." I said awkwardly waving innocently.
"Mr.Y wants to see you." He cut to the point immediately, my face was a mask of confusion at his words though.
"Mr. Who now? Wants to see me? Why?" I asked utterly confused.
"How am I supposed to know, and it's Mr.Y the manager of this place. I'll bring you to his office." He waved for me to follow him and I did so grudgingly. I didn't see any reason why not, and my curiosity had to be sated since I'd heard of this mysterious 'Mr.Y'.
He led me down the corridor and stopped outside of an office, Firmin and Andre's office to be exact. I nodded my thanks to him and he immediately scurried away. I felt my eyes go wide, this dude must be pretty scary....
I knocked on the door and it opened grudgingly with a creak. I slipped in between the gap and peaked inside. "Uhhhhh hello?" I asked the 'Mr.Y' I believe his name was. There was no one behind the half messy half organized desk that was over run with papers; my face scrunched with confusion as I fully entered the room. There was no one here... "Uhmmm." I hummed in confusion biting my lip. There was a bookcase on the wall packed from panel to panel with books. There was a desk in the middle with a large black leather chair behind it and two wooden chairs in front of it. There were a couple of filing cabinets and storage containers, and there were a lot of unpacked boxes. I noticed a couple of paintings that were covered and laying on the ground, but my curiosity peaked at the sight of a whit half mask sitting on the table.
The last time I saw that was-
Someone wrapped their arms around my waist and I was pulled back into someone's chest possessively. A familiar heat and explosion of sparks ignited on my skin as I fit into the persons warm embrace. My face flushed and turned a tint of white and red at the same time, and my breathing hitched.
I felt their cool breath against my ear and I shivered at the feeling. Their voice was low and husky, yet clear and seductive at the same time. "Hello my darling, I've missed you."

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