Love Never Dies

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I was going to sing a part of Erik's performance. I didn't exactly know what it was; it seemed a lot like Phantazma from 'Love Never Dies'.
Ironically, I was singing 'Love Never Dies' though, it was the piece I practiced before I found Christine and Erik in the office together.
I picked up on it after a lot of practice, still extremely uneasy. And for no reason either.
The song was not one of my favorites, I liked the lyrics and all, but it just never really caught my attention like the other songs. But if Erik wanted me to do it, I should. I smiled at the thought of Erik happy and smiling genuinely.
Although I wanted to make Erik happy, I had a bad feeling about this performance. I just couldn't pin point what it was, a real threat, or a silly emotion I felt in the pit of my stomach.
I wiped my sweaty palms on the thigh of my beautiful blue dress. Jumping slightly at the cold yet familiar touch on my shoulder. I whipped my head around and met the soft gaze of Dex. "Hey you alright?" He asked smiling a dazzling lazy smile.
His smile was contagious, and soon I was smiling too. "Yes, just a little nervous."
"You'll do fine, I know it. By the way, Erik wanted me to tell you he couldn't wish you luck before the performance because of opera manager problems." He explained friendly, it was obvious he still liked me, even if it was the slightest bit. But I was thankful he wasn't a bother about it, and that he understood my decision.
"Still looking for Christine?" I questioned frowning, Christine had disappeared the day me and Erik got back together. And he couldn't officially divorce her until he got her signature or went to court, and going to court would be extremely complicated. Considering Erik has the same title of the phantom of the opera, that and he has a mask. Quite suspicious if you ask me.
He nodded slowly, his dark brown hair bouncing. "It's about time to go now." He added smiling sadly his blue eyes glazed with happy yet sad tears.
I stood up and hugged him. "Thanks for always being there for me." I whispered, hugging him tighter. He wrapped his strong arms around my torso in a sad a clingy hug, then pulled back smiling sadly again.
"It's been my pleasure, now let's go."
I nodded and was brought to the side of the stage, waiting for my cue.
I walked onto the the stage as the lights dimmed, going to the spot I was told to.
Then the music began playing, and I came in on my entrance strong and confident.
"Who knows when love begins?
Who knows what makes it start?
One day it's simply there,
Alive inside your heart.
It slips into your thoughts,
It infiltrates your soul,
It takes you by surprise,
Then seizes full control.
Try to deny it,
Try to resist,
But love won't let you go,
Once you've been possessed." The words I sang rang true in my mind, and their meaning lingered in my thoughts and the air. I couldn't help but smile widely as I sang, the song was all too true.
"Love never dies,
Love never falters,
Once it has spoken,
Love is yours.
Love never fades,
Love never alters,
Hearts may get broken,
Love endures.
And as soon as you submit,
Surrender flesh and bone,
That live takes on a life,
Much bigger than your own.
It used you at whim,
And drives you to despair,
And forced you to feel,
More joy than you can bear.
Love gives you pleasure,
Love gives you pain,
And yet when both are gone,
Love still remains." I had remembered those last few lines, they stuck out like a sore thumb, even then there was a certain air of wisdom and truth I could never underhand until now.
"Once it has spoken,
Love is yours.
Love never dies,
Love never alters.
Hearts may get broken,
Love endures,
Hearts may get broken.
Love never dies,
Love I'll continue,
Love keeps on beating
When you're gone.
Love never dies
Once it is in you,
Life may be fleeting,
Love lives on.
Life may be fleeting,
Love lives on!" I sang, my voice echoing wafting through the air harmoniously. I smiled and curtsied, I actually enjoyed that, it was fun. 'I don't know why you were nervous.' I thought to myself, but I still could feel the twisting in my stomach that something bad was going to happen.

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