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[Chapter Three]

"Save the heroic speech,"


"Y/n!" A familiar voice called out as Y/n flew through the air. "Massive problem, the Winter Soldier is wreaking havoc at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre," She explained.

"I'm nearing it as we speak," Y/n explained as he flew just above the clouds. "How? He should have been contained?" He added in confusion.

"I've got to go help your father," She said before the call was ended.

"Bloody hell!" Y/n growled as he looked at the mini-map. "Violet, full burst,"

'Sir, I must warn you that full burst will use up all your reserved power as you have not included an extra charge for-,'

"I know, just do it!" Y/n ordered watching the suit's states appear on the side, sliders shifting and changing until the hands and feet turned green, a second later his thrusters fired at full force, sending him dashing through the air.

Y/n knew he had some minor adjustments that needed to be made on this suit but that thought would have to wait because Y/n saw the building that he needed to be at. One side of his lense lit up as a 3D render of the building appeared, spinning for a moment before zooming in to where he saw two figures moving back and forth, a second later the render turned into surveillance footage and he saw Bucky Barnes fighting T'Chala.

'Threats: Winter Soldier' Violet spoke as the camera zoomed in on Bucky. 'Assessing combat style'

Y/n aimed his hand at the large frosted window and a pulse shot forward, followed by the young Stark bursting through the cracked window, lifting his feet up and driving them into the side of the Winter Soldier's head, causing him to slam into the rails as he came face to face with the suited man.

Bucky swung his mechanical but Y/n grabbed it, two small plates on his wrist opened to reveal mini thrusters that were used to dead-stop the soldier's attack. Bucky glared at Y/n, throwing another punch with his other hand but Y/n released his fist before stepping back and watched the other punch glide right past him.

Y/n then threw his own jab, the thrusters from before fired once again, this time being used to increase the force of his punch as it connected with Bucky's jaw, snapping the super soldier's head to the side before another fist came to deliver and uppercut followed by a flat palm strike that sent Bucky stumbling backwards.

Bucky slammed into the rails again as Y/n walked forward but this time Bucky reacted slightly faster, driving his foot forward, giving Y/n just enough time to defend himself but the force was still enough to send him flying backwards.

T'Chala was the next to step forward and Y/n watched as this man went toe to toe with a super soldier. "Violet..."

'On it, sir... T'Chala, Prince of Wakanda... Enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced durability and enhanced reflexes... Threat Level updated to High! Assessing skills!'

Y/n watched as T'Chala threw himself and Bucky down the flight of stairs before getting up and trying to fight again but this time Bucky was getting the upper hand. Without a second thought, Y/n ran towards the stairs before his thrusters kicked in, sending him flying down the stairs, driving his knees into Bucky's chest, watching him stumble and slam into the rails before taking a few steps forward only for Y/n to place his open palm against the soldier's stomach before Bucky could react, a massive blast sent him flying over the rails and into the wall, falling straight through the gap.

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