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[Chapter Four]

"Did you think I trusted you?"


"Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in, that was twenty-four hours ago," Y/n's scanners zoomed in on the runway, noticing Tony, Rhodes and Steve having a face-off. "Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy," Steve said.

"Your judgement is askew," Tony pointed out. "Your war buddy killed innocent people yesterday," He reminded the Captain.

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him," Steve explained, cutting Tony off. "I can't let the doctor find him first, Tony... I can't,"

"Steve," Natasha called out as she joined the standoff. "You know what's about to happen, do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" She asked with a pleading look.

"Alright, I've run out of patience," Tony muttered before cupping his hands over his mouth. "Underroose!" He shouted before a web shot forward and grabbed Steve's shield, yanking it from his grip as Spiderman landed on a cargo cart, more webs tighed Steve's hands together, yanking the disk over to him. "Nice job kid," Tony complimented.

"Violet," Y/n muttered as his system scanned the newcomer.

'Spiderman... Peter Parker... Inhuman strength and endurance, prolonged confrontation not advised,' Violet spoke through the suit. 'Operation Unbinding,' Y/n nodded as he saw the 3D model's wrists light up on his lense.

"Alright, we're done," Tony muttered as he shook his head. "You are going to turn Barnes over and you are going to come with us because it's us!" He roared as he glared at the man in blue, red and white. "Or a squad of J-SOC guys . . . with no compunction about being impolite," He pointed out but Steve just turned his head away.

"In coming," Rhodes said before everyone glanced upwards, watching as Y/n landed in between the group, standing up as his helmet slid apart, folding backwards.

"Y/n..." Multiple voices spoke in unison.

"Dad..." Y/n muttered as he looked at the older Stark. "This isn't some stupid document so can we just stop this insanity?" He added as the two of them just stared at each other for a moment.

"Y/n, go home..."

"No," Y/n challenged his father. "This is way out of their league so taking orders from that depressed excuse of a government is only wasting time," He added. "I wanted nothing to do with this but you are all wasting valuable time..."

"You have nothing to do with this..." Tony cut his son off. "Take your fancy suit and leave," He ordered once again.

"Okay... As soon as you stop this nonsense," Y/n said with a smirk. "But if you really are going to continue this then I'm not leaving here anytime soon... And Mom is going to be so pissed," He added with a chuckle.

"Y/n, this isn't a game..."

"I know... So, remember that if I am forced to engage... there's no restarting the level..." Y/n shifted his gaze between the two Iron-suited men and the red and blue spider. "So, are we really going to do this?" Silence filled the air.

"We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway," Sam's voice came over Steve's coms, the same comms that Y/n had hacked so he heard the message as well, letting out a sigh as he shook his head.

Steve lifts his arms up and an arrow flies through the air and slices the webs off of his wrist. "Alright, Lang!" Steve called out before a man grew large from the shield, kicking Peter away as he grabbed Cap's shield and jumped next to Steve.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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