First resumption

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Aisha's Pov
I woke up to my annoying alarm gosh how I hate it. After laying on bed for like 10 mins then it clicked I remembered today I the first day of resumption oh my god I don't know when I jumped and ran out of the the room to the bathroom I came back remembering that my bathroom is in the same room how unserious of me. After going to the bathroom and doing my business, prayed and wore my uniform I took my back pack and ran downstairs as expected I am the last person to go for breakfast. I took my plate and was adding my food which consisted of some bacon, sausages,and some pancakes.i added a lot on my plate coz bro am a foodie and I am proud of that thou am not fat that's by the way. When I say down and was about to take the first bite I had Ayush baki iya gaisuwa bane?( Ayush can't u greet?) I froze that was baba's voice I smiled sheepishly and said baba I didn't see you when did you come back? Coz I know he traveled to Dubai for business. He replied with even if u didn't see me are this people not older than u? I was about to reply when ya usman said ai ta girma yanzu duk ta raina mutane( she's now old and doesn't respect people) I glared at him and bro started laughing what is he even doing here I don't know I looked at ya faruk for help but he shrugged it argh all my brothers don't want to help. I thought no one will help me then my savior, my favorite human on earth my mom said Ayush do u want to be late on ur first day? No right be fast and finish ur breakfast and then she winked I looked at baba who have an amused smile on his face. When I checked my Apple wrist watch I saw that the time was 7:15 and I am suppose to be in school by 7:30 I stood up and said am off to school baba said abinchin fa?( What of the food) I told him I will be late so I will just eat at school, he wished me and I left not before kissing everyone on the table including my annoying brothers because I know they don't like it. With that I went out and called for malam Shehu my personal driver he brought the black Mercedes-Benz and I hopped on. The trip to my school is 15mins so let me introduce my self.
My name is Aisha Muhammad Lawal and I am the last and only girl in my family enjoyment right? Buh y'all don't know how annoying it can be to have 6older brothers. My dad is Alhaji Muhammad Lawal the owner of almost all the buildings in the country and some outside the country and he is also in to oil and gas business. Call my dad rich I mean he is filthy rich. My brothers also work they aren't lazy most of them but some are I no wan call name oo. My mom Hajiya Maryam Muhammad Lawal is the daughter of the ex president who is now the party chairman of current party in power so u can call my family rich coz they are. Am in SS1 and I am 17 yrs I attend elite international academy one of the best school in the country, I have a best friend called Fatima isah maina but we call her fatee. I will continue the introduction later coz I've arrived at school. Malam Shehu parked the car at the parking lot, I came out of the car and I went in search of my best friend around the parking lot coz that is where we always meet I finally found the mumu I hugged her from behind and she was like Ayush I know it's you I said how she said turaren ki(ur perfume) we were distracted from our small talks when a black Rolls-Royce pulled into the parking lot at a speed I said who the hell is these then two people came out of the car a very beautiful girl came out from the passenger sit and an over handsome guy came out of the drivers sit bro is he handsome yes am I crushing yes I mean no. His eyes was looking at me and I was staring right back but couldn't maintain eye contact for so long so I looked away but I can still feel his eyes on me I shrugged it off I told fatee to come let's go to class on our way we met the rest of the squad we got to class and sat down before the teacher came in, fatee was telling me about how hot that guy from earlier was and that he is very handsome I told her it's a lie and she kept quiet not after telling me that she is crushing on him I hissed. The teacher came in and started the lesson not before he told us what we came to school for. As he carried out his lesson but my mind drifted back to a certain someone can this day be any longer😭

Here's the first chapter read and tell me if I should continue thank you and I love y'all ❤️❤️

Her Life Her Story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora