Trouble in Paradise

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Ight guys am changing fatee's name to aneesa okay?

Aisha's Pov

This week have been good so far we've gotten so close with musty y'all should guess what musty and ya Hisham became befriends like they are always together I don't even know how maybe because they are all psychos lol thou we kinda became best friends with him. But for real Aneesa's been behaving suspiciously like she's always hanging out with Fahad and when I ask why she will just tell me not to mind well it's non of my business and musty have been texting me lately I don't know what he wants he's giving me mixed signals I don't know if he wants me or not buh imma just keep it to my self. Aneesa told me she liked him and she's going to tell today at the cafeteria thou I like him but because she's my bestie and I love so so much I will just forget about him, 10 mins before we go for break and I waiting patiently. When it was break time, we all headed for the cafeteria we joined the queue and I bought a burger and an apple juice and came to sit with the squad aneesa also sat with we were all talking about the upcoming match between our school and this school called Golden standards high school when ya Hisham, Musty, Salim and Afif came all with a can of coke thou Musty was holding a can of Sprite I said why don't u guys ever eat food and u ya Hisham I will tell ammi his reply was be fast abi make I call her yanzu(now) I said eh he said forget about it I will eat when we get back home I said okay. I forgot to tell u Yasmeen and 2 of her friends joined our squad Fiddausi and Salma they are cool and we all clicked the name of our squad is "The Royals" call is cocky but we won't mind and bro we are so popular I don't know how maybe because the guys here are so damn cute. Yasmeen was telling me how ya Hisham was trying to woo her and she's still forming she said ai mata se da Jan aji(girls are suppose to have class) I said yeah u are right, I said Yasmeen but aren't u in SS3 while ya Hisham is in SS2? Why will u date ur junior? She said he was suppose to be in SS3 now but he had an accident and missed school for a whole year that's what he told me is it true? I said yes he was driving so fast and the breaks failed him though he said he's writing his WAEC in SS2 she said yawwa u see we will be together kenan I said so u are planning on dating him? She said eh mana u better start calling me anty I shouted God forbid and the whole table turned to me and asked what I said nothing just a discussion between me and this werey ya hisham was like is she not ur senior? I told him ina ruwanka?(What is ur business) before he could reply, Aneesa called for our attention we faced her and she turned to musty I muttered here goes nothing aneesa started Mustapha I've known you for less than a month but it felt like years I saw Yasmeen trying so hard not to laugh I glared at her and she shut it aneesa continued so I just want to let u know that I like u and I want to be with u so what do u say? Bro the whole table started laughing including musty and what made it worse was that everybody was watching I felt so bad for her after they stopped laughing, Musty stood up and said aneesa am so sorry but I've got my eyes on someone so am sorry and besides I see u as a friend a close one for that so take heart damn rejection shouted someone within the cafeteria aneesa started crying and said I know it is Ayush what does she have that I don't is it because her parents are more rich than mine? Ko kyau tafi ni(or is she more beautiful than me) wetin be my business now I wasn't the one who rejected her why is she now dragging my name? I told Yasmeen she said keep quiet Mustapha now replied with u see she has faith and u don't have and yes she's the one I like not you so cut the bullshit then aneesa turned to me here u are pretending to be miss goody two shoes without people knowing that u are a hypocrite a big one for that u succeeded in taking him a way from me and let me tell you something wallahi I will get him back and u are a fucking whore all this while u were pretending to be my best friend but i know a rich bitch like u can never be friends with a low life like me and u will pay for that bro I was too shocked to say anything but I heard ya Hisham saying if u call her a whore or a bitch again wallahi u will regret knowing me musty added hey I was never yours and she didn't take u away from me I was never yours from the beginning so get that right she was about to go but i stopped her I said wallahi aneesa kin bani mamaki u called me a whore a bitch and a hypocrite all because of a man u love and that same man rejected u politely u were more than a friend to me u were a sister but this is how u will repay me toh let me tell u I am not a whore and I won't call u one and I know u will come back to me I forgive u, u can go but she said I will never come back to u and u will regret this with that she left I sat down, I don't know when the tears started falling aneesa really broke my heart Yasmeen hugged me and said everything will be okay I said how can everything be okay when my best friend just left me she said aneesa isn't worth your tears just forget about her for now we will sort it out later I said okay musty tried talking to me but I ignored him he kept on trying but the look Yasmeen gave him was enough she stood up and escorted me to my class, when we got there, I took out my phone and was scrolling through IG and I saw a post that aneesa made recently it says"I never knew my ex best friend was a whore but thank God we broke up because I don't want people to start seeing me as a whore too" 561 likes, 250 comments I clicked the comments and started reading it
What's ur best friend @ I want to know about the lastest whore
Bro we were at the cafeteria stop lying we saw what happened and u were the whore
U were once a friend of a whore so u are also a whore
Go to hell
U are such a bitch for lying
I couldn't read the rest I showed Yasmeen she was about to go meet her but I stopped her saying remember it's not worth it and she sat down when the break was over, she left and the students started coming back to class and Aneesa's sit I close to mine so I begged one of my classmates to switch with me which he agreed because he's so happy that a member of the royals spoke to him I don't even know his name I said what's ur name? He said it's khalifa and he said friends? I said okay and I started talking to him the kid was cool as we were talking aneesa came in and said class u see she's a whore jumping from one guy to another I was about to talk when khalifa said see who's talking lol I don't want to spill the beans so shut the fuck up and besides can't class mates talk? Or do u want us to be enemies? Stay away from me and her she's now my friend and I always protect my friends so get out of my face and the whole class started shouting aneesa kept quiet and sat down not before glaring khalifa also looked for who to switch sits with because he doesn't want to sit near her and bro guess what nobody wants so sit with her so khalifa carried he's chair and table and moved to somewhere else ah see what this girl has brought upon her self I didn't say anything thou. After all classes ended, ya Hisham came to my class to warn aneesa again because someone told him about what happened after he was done giving hi warning he held my hand and said let's go home I said okay and we left. Today have been hectic wallahi immediately we reached, I went straight to my room and prayed all the prayers I missed today being Friday I didn't go out of my room at all because I am still heart broken after Isha I heard my phone ringing I checked and saw it was musty I hissed and declined the call he kept calling and I kept declining he then texted Ayush dan Allah pick the call mana I picked because he said Allah and immediately I picked I hanged up. I went to IG to see a video for what  happened at the cafeteria was posted with the caption "the royals are about to spill some blood" I saw another video with the caption "Aneesa the classless babe"I logged out and went to the toilet to pee when I came out, I heard someone knocking I said come in its open it was ya Hisham he said must wants to talk to you dan Allah ki amsa he gave me his phone and left the room I said Mustapha Ja'afar Baita what do u want he said calm down with the full name I just wanted to apologize to u and wallahi I don't know aneesa had feelings for me please hear me out wallahs it's not my fault and this proves that she isn't the best friend she claimed to be so pls just listen to me and give me a chance i kept quiet and didn't say anything I know he's right he said hello Ayush are u there? I said yes I will get back to u tomorrow inshallah goodnight with that I hanged up. I walked out of my room to go give ya Hisham his phone and then I bumped into ya Faruk he said easy princess watch ur steps I said a small sorry I was about to go when he said wait have u been crying? I said no he then said don't lie to me I can see ur eyes was it Hisham? I said no ba ruwanshi(non of his business) it was school and I had a fight with aneesa and I started crying again he hugged me and said shhhh don't cry okay? U want to talk about it? I shook my head no he then asked where are u going? I said I want to give ya Hisham his phone he said give me I will give it to him go back to ur room have u eaten? I said no he then said I will order pizza then we can watch a movie in ur room together okay? I said okay with that I went back to my room not long ya faruk came in and asked which movie i will let u choose because u aren't in a good mood I smiled and said Mr queen it's a Korean movie i heard him say oh my god okay as we were watching he called ya Hisham on the phone and say go collect what I ordered and bring it to Ayush's room I heard him say complained before going we were watching the movie when he came in and said this is not fair u guys are watching a movie without me and u ordered pizza I laughed and said come join us no big deal he shut the door and came in he said why Korea of all the movies in the world ya faruk smacked his head and he kept quiet. I love my brothers without them I don't know what to do

Aneesa's Pov
I was humiliated in front of the whole school today by Mustapha and Ayush and now I am a laughing stock wallahi I will get back to them. And Mustapha will be mine let her just wait and see, Hisham threatened me today that son of a bitch he should also wait for me the whole squad should wait I will show them my name is Aneesa Sambo thank God Fahad is with me in everything so I will take time to plan for everything and now the whole school hates me because of those idiots just because their parents are rich. Well I know what to do I called Fahad ( they are now talking on the phone)
Everyone hates me in the school
It's all ur fault why will u fight Ayush of all people when u know she's so popular nd I didn't know u have feelings for that idiots
Mustapha Ja'afar Baita
Stop calling him an idiot he's not
Lol so what's ur plan now u know I still have feelings for Ayush
That's why I called u
Done talking on the phone. After he told me what to do, I hanged up and I will wait for the right time to strike

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