Back story (1)

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Author POV

' So you followed me and fell for me and it all started with me singing that Sprout man song ? '. Fourth nodded in response. ' Uhhh...My name got pulled from an ugly ass hat because nobody wanted to stand on that stage as our class representative. I was chosen but I had no particular idea. So, I just sang that theme song cause that's the only song I listened constantly cause my sister needed to practice '. ' Fate's silly play I guess ' Fourth thought to himself and picked up his stuff and thanked him for the dinner. Gemini dropped him at the nearby bus stop , Fourth sat there thinking to himself  ' I like him , Gemini didn't seem to mind that I'm gay nor showed disgust. I'm satisfied with this much. Wouldn't it be alright to maintain just this level of relationship ? I hope to not get greedy...'


[ The Next Morning]

The homeroom teacher burst with happiness as the Class 04 won so was his wallet cause he promised to treat Pizza to the whole class if they won and they did. Gemini rustled through his bag and got up from his seat, ' Dude, the pizza will be here soon. Where are you going? ' asked his desk mate. He replied that he will be back after returning something and to save some pieces for him. He walked towards Class 01 and swung his arms around the person's neck he was searching for. ' Hey Fourth, You left your book at my place yesterday '. ' That almost scared me, Book ? ' Fourth was confused as he couldn't remember carrying anything close to a book to his house yesterday. Gemini smiled again as the scent hit him and placed the book on Fod's desk.


It was getting late and Gemini wasn't aware that he missed the last bus till he checked the time. He decided to walk as he lives close. He stood at the intersection, staring at the traffic lights.

The light turned green , Gemini would feel all types of scents passing by him. That annoyed him most cause he can't ask them to do anything about that. Finally , it felt like decades to reach his home. He greeted his mother and opened the door to his room, to see his uncle New munching on tangerines and rolling over his bed. He was glad to see him , Gemini freshned up fast sat besides him snatching the tangerines he was about to eat.

' Why are you here uncle ? Are you alright ? '.

' Sometimes I feel sorry for you , Even if you have a good sense of smell, to be able to sniff out emotions. Who would believe that. They might become afraid ' said his uncle snatching back the tangerines. ' I smell worry and confusion uncle. What's going on ? ' . New whined that somebody block his nephew's nose cause he can't hide anything with him.

It's time for dinner , the family members sat on the dinner table and dishes were self served. P'Tan questioned New ' Why are you here ? Did something happen with your partner? '. The uncle tried to convince that he just missed his family. Nobody seemed to believe that, ' New-ya , As your sister I feel concerned. Tell me , I will listen to your problems ' said Gemini's mother. New joked that he wanted to get married after immigrating to states, that earned him beating from his sister and Gemini's sister. He yelled , ' Alright, I will tell you. I'm in love with someone. But that someone's a guy '. The family looked at Gemini , he nodded that he isn't smelling anything rotten. ' I'm so at fault, I told my girlfriend that I would marry her but I don't like her. I love my friend , I do...But he's a guy. I like Men , But my girlfriend seemed to have an idea on what's happening to me before myself realizing it. She hated me cause I even sucked at lying and hiding that '...

'This what I told you years ago when Gemini was still a kid. After some years, I accidentally ran into her at a mall and she gave me her wedding invitation. It was funny '. ' That's it ? ' the family asked. New smiled awkwardly pissing off his sister. ' But? This Smell..Uncle is nervous about something . I guess he has a lot going on his mind ' Gemini thought to himself and the family went to sleep soon as it's school night.

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