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Gemini POV

It was a surreal day , rainy clouds covering up the blue sky with dark shadows yet the humidity hits you hard with hot flashes. The weather aptly described how I was feeling, with heavy footsteps I passed the entrance gate. I checked the time , it was 7 past 30 minutes. I thought , I would be the only idiot to be the first one to school but I heard someone walking ahead of me. Just the smell was enough to know that I met with the one. As he could hear my footsteps he turned around to look at me , I avoided his eyes by turning the other side. Then I looked at his back wondering the reason for my nervousness. He turned around to look at me again but I avoided his eyes again.

Fourth seemed to be done with me pushing and pulling ropes with him , he marched towards me , Squeezed my cheeks with his hands asking ' Why do you keep staring at me ? ' . I mumbled , ' Hwe coujd I nit afret chat ( How could I not after all that ) , letch fo ( Let go ) '. He stepped back a bit saying ' Just say it '. I was perplexed with the unfamiliar awkwardness and blabbered some nonsense about the weather being nice. Fourth pulled me into one of the empty classroom near by, I took a seat. Fourth shrugged his shoulders saying ' Just say it already , Before the kids arrive ! '.

I kept staring at the white board in front of me, he continued ' I even contacted P'Tan to send you out early , So that we could talk in person without disruption '. He plopped on the seat next to me saying , ' Look I'm giving you a chance , I kind know what's going on, well...Can you r-read e-emotions-' . I interrupted saying ' It's exactly what you think '. Now, that I have said it aloud , I was so much more concerned and relieved at the same time. ' I always had a good sense of smell , but one day I realized that I can smell other people's emotions too. Even when we first met, I knew right away were hiding something . It's not like I know everything just the likes and dislikes maybe '. I checked his reaction , there was silence. I panicked and sniffed his smell.

He said ' Well, the human brain is a fascinating thing. It's said that we have used only 1% of its potential. It makes sense that people excel at it and become an individual with super powers '. I looked at him confused, he smells truth though.

' This is j-just my way of t-telling you that it's fine, I've been in those situations. It's possible and I have accepted that '. Those words washed away the anxiety from my body and I slouched on the seat comfortably. Fourth suddenly hid his face saying, ' But, it's embarrassing ... You would have noticed everything like my thoughts not matching my words. I would have looked stupid and pitiful. Hey Gem! ', he nestled my hands in his asking, ' Am I strange? To be honest, I thought that's absurd when you told me that only you knew. Is it hidden? '.

I nestled his hands in mine holding tight saying ' I told you , I'm the only who knows and you smelled like something else most of the time '. Fourth tilted his head implying ' What smell '. I proudly said ' The smell of affection'. Fourth's eyes widened and he screamed with rosy hue gracing his cheeks, he froze in his place looking like thunders may crash on him any minute.

I grabbed his collar saying ' What's up with the reaction? You said you're fine with this kinda power. Aren't you gonna keep liking me ? '. He escaped my grip and hissed at me like a kitten, ' If you're gonna be like this , I will everyone about you '. I knew he didn't mean it and he looked funny with the unknown hand gestures thinking it was threatening.

I smirked and took a seat saying ' It doesn't really matter to me , I never particularly tried to hide it. So hurry up and tell me , You're going to keep liking me....Right ? '. With an innocent face he said ' ...How would I continue to like you ? Like...You will get sick of fried chicken if you keep eating it on repeat '.

I was baffled and yelled ' what?! I'm still better than chicken. How could you compare me to a food !! '. He booed at me saying ' Everything below chicken is trash '.

I unknowingly sulked ' So what is it , Are you to trying to say you don't like me ? '.

' My gosh , I'm saying that I've times when I like you and times when I don't ' he said. My mouth agape in disbelief , I marched towards him saying ' When ? When do you not like me ? '. Fourth sighed at me saying ' You're done , it's my turn now. I have more questions than you do '. There was no change in my stance , I repeated the same question. He seemed to be little annoyed  ' Now. At times like this ' he said his hands gesturing us.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to close the gap and leaned beside his ears and pressed my nose on his neck. After a few seconds I pulled back smiling ' That's not true '. Fourth threw swear words at my sudden action and slapped my hand away from his shirt.

' It's almost as if you're begging me to like you '.

I was baffled again with his words, I marched towards him knowing very well that if Fourth takes a step back he would be trapped on the wall.

' Then what about you ? You were the one who said that you like me. I can't even count on my fingers the times you confessed to me I might even need my toes too'.

He said ' That's not the point, what if other kids-

In this situation, he's thinking about other kids ? That snapped me. I squeezed his cheeks with one hand and the another on the wall supporting my frame ' What about other kids ? Focus in here , The one that's important is you and me , I'm asking if you like me , Answer me now !! '.

He said ' Let go first , I said I don't like you now and don't come closer '. I smirked, I wanted to break his words so bad. I leaned in slowly, the tip of our noses began to touch.

Suddenly, something flew behind us. We glanced on the floor to see a basketball ball bouncing away. Then I heard that idiot Hogun's voice yelling ' You crazy bas***d , What the hell are you trying to do '...


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