Chapter 3

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Me and Tanjiro got dressed in our new uniforms. They were pretty cool. My uniform had a skirt while Tanjiro's had pants, obviously. I put my leafy hoari over my uniform and put my new sword in the belt of the uniform. I also had long star socks to match my eyes.

Tanjiro put a checkered hoari on. "You finished changing?" Urokodaki asked Tanjiro. "Yes." Tanjiro said. "What about you, Masuki?" Urokodaki asked me as I walked out the room. "Yes." I said.

I went and stood next to Tanjiro as Urokodaki stared at us. Then he nodded. We sat down in front of Urokodaki as he explained something to us. "Tanjiro, Masuki. Now that you have officially become demon slayers, I'll like to explain a few things to you." Urokodaki said.

"Okay." I said. "First , the demon slayer corps uniform you're wearing is made with a special kind of fiber. It's lightweight, water resistant, and nonflammable. The low-level demon's fangs and talons are incapable of penetrating that fabric." Urokodaki explained.

"Really? That's incredible." I said. Tanjiro looked down at his uniform. "It's really that strong?" Tanjiro said. "Impressive, yes? Now for the nichirin sword. Its color changes from owner to owner. Each hue has its own unique traits.

However there aren't many demon slayers with black little is known about them. Some believe they're a bad omen." Urokodaki said, looking at Tanjiro. 'What does that mean? Bad omen. How's that?" Tanjiro asked.

"Black blades are rumored to only be wielded by swordsmen that will never make it far." Urkodaki explained. "Oh well. I don't care if I'm destined for greatness or not. Because no matter what, I'll turn Nezuko back to human." Tanjiro said, smiling and looking over at nezuko, who was bundled in covers and staring at us.

This guy is killing me. How the heck is he so nice and honest? "Yes you will. I have no doubt that you'll make that happen." Urokodaki said. I sighed. "And I'll help. I don't know what it is, but something is compelling me to help you and Nezuko." I said. Tanjiro just smiled. "I appreciate it." Tanjiro said.

"One last thing. Here." Urokodaki said. He pulled out a box and sat it in front of Tanjiro. "What's this?" Tanjiro asked. "It's a box to carry your sister in during the day. It's built from a very light wood called Kirikumo Cedar.

It's been coated in rock lacquer to reinforce the exterior and make it even more durable." He explained. "Thanks, Urokodaki." Tanjiro said. Tanjiro picked up the box. "Oh wow! You weren't kidding, it is light." Tanjiro said. Tanjiro walked over to Nezuko and opened the vox for her. "Come on Nezuko. Hop in for a ride. Pretty please." Tanjiro said.

Nezuko got in hesitantly. "Nezuko, from now on we'll always be together." Tanjiro said sweetly. "And you Masuki, I haven't known you long, but I wish you well. I ask that you stay safe." Urokodaki said.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll write to you later on. You've been like a father to me for these past few weeks. I really appreciate it." I said. Urokodaki nodded.

We walked outside. "Well we're off." Tanjiro said. Urokodaki walked up to us. "Before you go..." Urokodaki came and fixed up me and Tanjiro's uniforms. Then he nodded, and me and Tanjiro left. "Take care!" I shouted, while waving. Tanjiro waved from beside me.


We were walking in a field and then Tanjiro started talking to Nezuko. "Nezuko. How you doing back there?" Tanjiro asked. I heard thumping from inside the box. "Nezuko?" Tanjiro asked again. "Oh, that's right. Rest up, Nezuko." Tanjiro said.

"What's right?" I asked. "Oh, I was just recalling a memory of Urokodaki. He said that he believes that Nezuko regains her strength from sleeping rather than eating humans like other demons." Tanjiro said.

"By sleeping huh? That's interesting." I said.


"A town to the northwest." Tanjiro said. "Is this it?" I asked. "I think so." Tanjiro said. We walked across the bridge and entered the town. We walked around for a little bit, and then walked past a man looking really depressed.

"Oh, look. There's Kazumi. Poor thing. He doesn't look too good." a woman said. "Well he was right next to Sotako when she was taken." another woman said. We stopped in our tracks and at the man for a moment, then started walking again.

"It's happening every night. It's very creepy." A man said. "Tragic. Dreadful!" another woman said. "As soon as night falls another girl will be taken." A woman said. Tanjiro gasped and ran towards the man we had just walked past.

I believe his name was Kazumi. "Mr. Kazumi!" Tanjiro yelled out to the man. I quickly caught up to Tanjiro and stood behind him. Kazumi stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around to us with a very sad look on his face.

"I want to hear about what happened last night from you." Tanjiro said. The man quickly complied and took us to the place where the girl went missing.

"This is where Satoko vanished. But I'm sure you don't believe me." Kazumi said. "Oh we believe you alright." I said. "That's right, and we're here to help. Now let's see!" Tanjiro shouted. Then he got on the ground and started sniffing it.

What the heck is he doing? "Um..What is he doing?" Kazumi asked me. "I'm just as lost as you." I said. After a few moments I noticed Kazumi touch his bruised cheek, then look away sadly. But I didn't say anything. I mostly just didn't really care for real.

Tanjiro moved around the corner into an alley and started sniffing the wood. Me and Kazumi followed Tanjiro. Tanjiro kept going all around town sniffing everything until the sun was almost set. "I want you to believe me. She really did just vanish." Kazumi said.

"Listen buddy, didn't we already tell you? We know she vanished. That's why we're here..." I trail off. "So we can stop this!" Me and Tanjiro said simultaneously.

Night finally fell. Which means it was time for another girl to get abducted. Tanjiro was still sniffing all around the town while we followed him. "Are you really gonna keep going?" Kazumi asked. "Yes" "Come on it's getting late. I'm really flattered that you're so concerned about this, but shouldn't you take a break.

Maybe pick it back up in the morning?" Kazumi said. Tanjiro crouched down to the ground. "They're only active during the night. There is no time for rest. Got it. I'm picking up a new scent in the area. It's nearby. It won't be long now." Tanjiro said, still crouching.

Kazumi crouched down too. "Wait a second. Don't me you're...Are you both..." Kazumi trailed off. Moments passed by, then suddenly Tanjiro gasped and started running. I grunted and followed him.

"Hey wait, where are you going?!" Kazumi shouted.

"The scent got stronger! The demon's active!" Tanjiro yelled. "Is that right!? Alright! Finally, some action!" I said. I followed Tanjiro and jumped on the roof with him. We jumped off the roof and then landed in a back street.

We looked around. "This is it. They're right here." Tanjiro said, drawing his sword. I did the same. "Two scents, one demon, one human girl." Tanjiro said. "I don't see them." I said. We walked around a little bit.

Tanjiro lifted his sword in the air and stabbed it into the ground. Then black smoke started seeping out, and I heard a watery sound. Just then a body floated up to the top, and Tanjiro grabbed the girl and jumped into the air.

When tanjiro landed a had stook out of the ground, then the demon revealed himself. It was only his head that stook out so I sprinted for it and tried to cut its head off, but the demon went back into its black puddle thing and teleported behind us.

"What did you do with the girl you kidnapped?" Tanjiro asked. The demon didn't respond, it just started grinding its teeth and it made a horrible sound. "I want to know some things!" Tanjiro said. Then the demon went back into his puddle.

"Who was that?" Kazumi asked Tanjiro. "I need your help. I need you to take this girl, and stay close. That way I can protect you." Tanjiro said. Tanjiro walked around, looking for the demon, then Tanjiro ran in a direction.

But when he stepped down I felt more than one presence. I felt three! "Tanjiro, look out! There's more than one!!!" I screamed. 

We're Just Different (Inosuke X OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora