Chapter 6

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(writer) I'm sorry I did write the fight scene to these episodes. I am simply too lazy to write all of that and try to put myself into the fight. I just didn't feel like doing all of that, so I'm sorry to those who wanted to read that. Call me lazy or whatever. You're free to have your own opinion.


We were heading to this guy's hideout and me and Tanjiro were still going on about how beautiful Nezuko is and how beautiful my eyes were. Then I paused when we stopped in front of a wall. "Uh. This is your hideout huh?...Not much of a hideout but if you say so." I said, judging him.

"Shut up! You know nothing you ugly star-plant!" I had an irk mark on my forehead. "What'd you call me?!" "I called you an ugly star-plant! Got a problem with that!?" "Heck yeah, I got a problem with that! I can cut your head off in an instant if I wanted to. Don't push your luck, demon bug!"

"Hey! Let's just calm down guys. Let's not do anything hasty." Tanjiro said, interfering and pulling me away from the boy since I was all in his face. I crossed my arms. The man then walked into the wall! After a moment he stuck his head back out to us.

"Hurry up! Before someone sees us." he said. Me, Tanjiro, and Nezuko all looked at each other before walking in. When we stepped inside, there was a huge mansion. I looked at it in awe. "I take back my previous statement. This is the coolest hideout I've ever seen." I said.

"I could have sworn the street was a dead end!" Tanjiro said in shock. "Stay focused! Now, don't do anything to upset Lady Tamayo. Cause I couldn't care less if you die or not." He said getting in our faces.

"Ooh trust me buddy. The feeling's mutual." I said. "I only brought you here because she wouldn't stop pestering me about it. Got it?" "Uh okay." Tanjiro said.


We walked in on the same woman from before taking care of the injured lady from town. "I'm back, my lady." the man said, actually having some manners with his tone. "I'm glad." the woman said.

Tanjiro walked forward. "I'm sorry I left you with everything. So how is she?" "She'll recover completely. However, her husband is in the basement." She said turning back to the lady. "Isn't it hard to treat humans? Don't you get tempted with all that blood?" I asked.

"What are you saying? You think she chokes back her own drool when she heals people?" the guy said, hitting me in the stomach. I growled in frustration. I had irk marks all over me. I had to get out of there before I drew my sword and did something I shouldn't have.

I walked out the door. "Hey, Masuki! Where are you going?" Tanjiro asked. "Getting some fresh air before someone gets it." I said, grinding my teeth and giving that man a death glare. I walked out.

I heard Tanjiro talk while I was walking away. "I think you should give her some time to cool off. If she needs to get away, it probably means she was about to kill you. I don't mean to scare you, but I've never seen Masuki so angry before."


I was walking in the city again, kicking rocks. Thinking about the bastard. "Just the sight of him makes me want to puke." I looked up and saw a food stand. I walked over to the man and sat down at the seat.

"Hey there ma'am! What can I get for you today?" "A good listener." I said. "Huh?..." The man looked around, then he closed his shop! "Come on, let's go someplace more private." The man said.


We went behind the shop to talk. "What's your name?" he asked. "Masuki." "My name is Hagatezgo." the man said. "That's for this Mr. Hagatezgo." "Alright Masuki. Talk to me." "So what happened was, there was this boy, and he was being really mean to me.

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