4 - Witch Night

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Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!


When I saw a flyer at the Circle K looking for a full-time housekeeper for 7 men, I swooped in on the opportunity. I mean, I am a broke, jobless, recently graduated college student. Anything that'll bring some green in is fantastic. Sign me up. I called the number on the flyer and some old man with a weird horror movie accent answered my call. He asked me how old I was, my name, and for some reason, my blood type? To be fair, I've been asked stranger questions during an interview.

I was instructed to come to an office building at night and that's when I met the man on the phone, Lazarus. He's tall and dressed in all black. He clasps a bracelet on my wrist and collects a blood sample from my arm. He's swearing it's all necessary. I follow him into the basement of the building where I met a nice handsome man named George.  

He told me that they are vampires. I didn't believe it until I saw Master George's fangs and hearing the way that one of their counsel members talk. I didn't believe that vampires even existed until today, for all I knew, they were just fictional monsters in horror movies. This is kind of exciting. I can't wait to tell my best friend about this.

Currently, all of my masters are asleep and I am working on my daily duties. I got the living area cleaned and I am working on the kitchen now. I know their human boss, as they call him, is coming here around 7 pm tonight and I want this place to look presentable. I made the mistake opening the black refrigerator. The horrendous odor that came from it is enough to make me nauseous. 

"Dear God..." I whimper, covering my nose. 

 The inside of this appliance is coated with leaking blood and rotting unidentifiable meat. If I wasn't getting paid and kind of had a crush on George, I'd say fuck this and run for the hills. Yet again, this is better than no job at all and I am not spending countless hours filling out job applications. As I am cleaning, I am seeing how empty this fridge is and I think that we need to make a stop to their 

By 3 PM, I got everything clean and all my tasks are done. I decide to take a well deserved break. I sit on the couch and fish for a sandwich and drink from my bag. I got the TV on and looking for something to watch when I hear a rustling sound and the sound of the door opening but I didn't see anyone. 

"Hello?" I call out.

I stand and go to the bottom of the steps to get a better look. I hear low snarling. Jorel is climbing on the wall and crawling on the ceiling. 

"Master Jorel? I think you should be in bed, buddy." I tell him.

He turns his head in my direction. He is snarling, saliva is oozing from his mouth, his iris are a crimson red color. He chows down on a random bug that he found in the corner and hops down landing on all fours.

"Are you hungry?" 

He hisses and nods. He bites the wood of the stairwell railing and rushes down at me. I jump back.

"Jorel! No!"

Jordon rushes down the stairs, he pauses to greet me, then chases after Jorel. He lunges in his direction and tackles him to the floor before holding him in a tight grip.


He struggles under Jordon's grip. George floats down the stairs half asleep and clips a bracelet onto Jorel's wrist. Jorel screams as his skin turns from pale to a warm white color, and his eyes go from red to a dark brown color. Jordon lets him go. I smile at him.

"Thank you." 

"No problem. He turned pretty fast for some reason." He smiles back. 

Dylan, Matt, Danny, and Deuce fumble down the stairs. They all look like they just woke up. 

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