5 - Familiar in Training

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Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!


I keep on the scent of the witches as we trail through a wooded area somewhere in LA. It's past 1 am now, so they are no longer interested in hunting for new vampires. The invisibility effect is starting to wind down. Our arousal is still strong but controllable.

"George, this is hopeless, it's too dark, let's just go to the council and see if they can find him?"

I finally had enough of trying to spot Jordon in the dark with Arden's flashlight and pop off my bracelet. My shitty night-blind human vision improves. I can finally see a lot better.

"There we go. I'll take the lead, everyone follow. I'll protect Arden."

I stand in front of Arden, holding them close, and following the scent of the witches. It's really strong that means I'm getting closer. 

"This way." I hiss, going down a long dirt trail. 

All the way at the end of the trail sits a white and black trim Victorian style house. The inside is full of female witches all talking at once. I pick up on Jordon's cologne. 

"He's in there." I say, studying the exterior of the home.

Dylan whistles.

"Nice. Victorian. 1884."

"You're such a whore, Dylan." Danny comments, shaking his head.

We slowly creep through the perimeter of the wooded area to get close to the back of the house. The others remove their bracelets and sigh with relief.

"Do we really need to get human experience? I like being a vampire." Danny whines.

"I still remember my human life, being undead is awesome. I'd take this over being a human any day." Jorel adds.

He lets out a whimper when we hears Jordon's voice.

"We need to save him."

Dylan makes duck lips and playfully pushes his arm.

"Ooooh, Jay likes Jordie."

"Do NOT! I- I just care about him... as a friend."

I press my foot against the house and freeze.

"Bitch, your "friend" was loving you up a couple hours ago. I think you're more than friends at this point." I point out, making air quotations with my fingers.

Arden groans.

"Guys, I don't get paid enough to listen to what occurred in the upstairs room among the five of you a few hours ago. Can we please focus on finding Jordon so we can all go home?"

We nod as I swipe Arden into my arm and start climbing up the siding of the house.

"Mortal is right. We need to find him."

I peek in through a slightly open window and I see Jordon bound to a stone wall with chain around his neck, ankles, and wrists. He's bare naked.

"So, why am I here again?" He calmly asks.

The female witch that is currently securing him shakes her head.

"Why did I have to take the annoying fruity one?" She groans to herself.

"I explained this to you. We are going to make you cum so we can collect your semen. You will be our vampire cow."

Jordon goes silent for a moment and smiles.

"Hey, I've had dead cow before. It's actually not that bad, kinda tasty. It's really really good with tomato blood and white dough strings."

Danny gags.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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