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All his life izuku wanted to be a hero but unfortunately, he lacked one thing to make his dream come true and it was a quirk. A quirk is a superhuman ability that a person can possess and more than 90 percent of the world population has one while the other 10 don't and Izuku falls under the 10 percent.

It was on his fourth birthday izuku went to the qurk doctor to see what type of quirk he would get "I'm sorry Mrs. Midoriya but it appears that izuku is quirkless" said the Doctor as Izuku was filled with dread. "Are you sure he is quirkless doctor?" asked Inko "Yes we ran all sorts of tests and they all had the same result" said the doctor. "But how can that be his father and I both have quirks," said inko as she used her quirk to lift Izuku's toy off the ground.

"Well that may be because studies have shown that in rare cases a child will be born qurkless even if both the parents have quirks," said the doctor. Inko then got up along with Izuku "Well thank you doctor" said Inko as they left Izuku was silent all the way home. He then went to his room and stayed there as Inko went to check on him as she saw Izuku was on the computer watching his favorite clip of allmight.

"M-mom do you think I can still be a hero like allmight" said Izuku as he had tears dripping down his face Inko then went to hug him. Soon it was time for Izuku to go back to school and he was confronted by his childhood friend Katsumi bakugo "So Deku what's your quirk" said Bakugo as the other students wanted to know as well. "I don't have one," said Izuku as the bakugo looked at him then burst out laughing along with the other student "Ha ha man I knew you you couldn't get one I mean you are Deku after all," said Bakugo. "B-but I won't give up on my dream of becoming a hero," said Izuku as Bakugo stopped laughing and looked at Izuku "Listen here Deku no matter how much you try you will never be one," said Bakugo.

It was at that moment that Izuku's life took a turn for the worse over the years izuku experienced bullying by bakugo and the others and they would teach him a lesson for not giving up which they would use their quirks on him to beat him up leaving Izuku injured.

Izuku tried to run away and succeed a couple of times but He would just get beaten even harder and when his mom saw how injured he was Izuku would always come up with an excuse like tipped on his way from home.

Izuku was now in middle school and he was hiding from his bullies "Where are you Deku come out so we can get this over with" said one of the bullies Izuku then saw a soda can and grabbed it and through it in the opposite direction "that way" said bakugo as they ran to where they heard the noise as Izuku took this chance to escape.

Once Izuku was in the clear he paused as he leaned against a wall and slumped down "Is running away all I can do damn it" thought Izuku in frustration as he clenched his fist but then stopped as stayed there for a minute "Maybe I should give up I mean all I can do is analyze quirks and find their weakness but without power it useless" said Izuku as he got up and decided to walk around to get his mind off it.

Izuku kept walking around for quite a while and that is when he looked at his watch "I still have time before I get home" said Izuku as he looked around his surroundings and that is when Izuku saw an old run-down dojo Curiously Izuku went towards it and made his way inside he and he saw that everything was relatively intact "even when quirks started to appear people still use martial arts it surprises me that it still going strong" said Izuku as he kept looking around. Unfortunately, he didn't see a piece of debris in front of him and he tripped on it and slammed against one of the support beams.

Izuku got up immediately and the dojo was falling apart he quickly got out of the way safely as the whole place was filled with dust soon the dust settled as Izuku was coughing while waving his left hand in front of his face. Izuku then looked around and saw he had made a mess "I messed up" said Izuku as he looked at the ground and saw three ancient scrolls and walked towards them "What are these" thought Izuku as he looked at his watch "Oh crap I have to head home" said Izuku as he looked at the scrolls "well I can't just leave them here someone might take them fuck it" said Izuku as he put the scrolls into his bag and left the dojo.

Izuku then left the dojo unaware that the scrolls he took would make him a force of nature that very few could resist and would become known throughout the world as those whom he hunted in the future would be shown no mercy.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter sorry if it's crappy

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