Sludge incident

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Before the sludge villain could attack they heard a booming voice "Ha Ha have no fear for I am here" said the number one hero Allmight as he came crashing on top of the villain splattering all over the ground as Izuku's eyes widened as he was face to face with his idol.


"Izuku was at a loss for words as he was trying to not freak out in front of allmight who was putting the sludge villain in a soda bottle "Well thank goodness you are unharmed young man but I should be off and take this villain to the police" said Allmight as he was about to jump away before he did Izuku jumped on his leg.

"I have to hurry up I'm running out of time, Hu why do I feel some extra weight on my leg," thought allmight as he looked down and saw Izuku was clinging to him "What are you doing young man that is very dangerous," said Allmight as he then landed on top of a building. Izuku was then breathing heavily "What were you thinking that was dangerous," said Allmight "I'm sorry but I have a really important question to ask you," said Izuku as he was taking a deep breath.

Before izuku could say anything he noticed something was off with allmight as he was soon enveloped by a bunch of smoke and in his place was a skinny scrawny person "W-what just happened" asked Izuku who was at a loss for words. "Crap I ran out of time," said Allmight as he looked at Izuku. "Hey kid before you ask yes I'm allmight and there is a reason why I look like this," said Allmight as he explained why he looks the way he does.

Soon after that Izuku mustered up the courage to ask allmight the one question he always wanted to ask "Allmight do you think I could be a hero like you even if I don't have a quirk," asked Izuku as he waited for allmight to respond. "No I don't think that is possible," said Allmight as the whole world started to crumble.

"But I know martial arts that can help me become a great hero," said Izuku "That may be true but martial arts can only get you so far, heroes face dangerous people with powerful quirks against them you would die," said Allmight as Izuku just stood there not moving. "If you want to help people there are plenty of other ways to do it you could become a police officer they get crap because the heroes capture most of the villains but it's a fine profession it's good to have dreams but make sure those dreams are realistic," said allmight as he left the roof leaving Izuku with his thoughts.

As allmight was leaving he checked his pockets "The soda bottle is gone it must have dropped when that kid grabbed onto my leg" said Allmight as he went to go see if he could find it again. Izuku got off the roof and started to make his way back home. "What were you expecting of course he would say no," said Izuku as continued to walk only to stop as he heard screams.

Izuku went to go see what was the commotion and saw it was the sludge villain "crap the bottle that allmight was carrying must have dropped when I grabbed his foot it my fault" said Izuku as he looked closer and the villain has taken a hostage and Izuku knew the person it was Bakugo. Izuku looked at bakugo and saw none of the heroes were doing anything as they said they didn't have the right quirk and were waiting for someone else to show up.

That is when izuku body moved on its own and started to run toward bakugo the heroes tried to stop him but failed izuku dodged the sludge villains' attacks as he knew it was one weak point he grabbed his bag and threw it at the villain's eye and took this chance to try to get bakugo out only for it to fail. Before the sludge villain could do anything else Allmight appeared just in time as he punched the sludge villain and the air force sent it splattering all over the alleyway. Soon after that izukubwas solder by the heroes while bakugo was complimented on his bravery.

Soon after that Izuku then left and headed home again only for allmight to show up in his buff form. "Ah there you are, young man, I was looking for you," said allmight as he turned back to his skinny form "What do you want" asked Izuku harshly this surprised allmight "W-well young man I would like for you to inherit my quirk," said Allmight "what do you mean by inherit your quirk," asked Izuku "well you see my quirk is unique and it can be passed down and I have chosen you to be my successor," said allmight.

"So let me get this straight you want to inherit your quirk," asked Izuku "Yes young man what do you say," asked Allmight as Izuku clenched his fist "I refuse," said Izuku "Excellent then wait what you refuse," said Allmight as he was shocked by Izuku's response, "you said so your self allmight make sure your dreams a realistic now if you would excuse me I'm going home, oh and I won't say anything about your quirk," said Izuku as he walked passed allmight who was silent knowing he ruined his chances of getting a successor unknowingly awaken a monster as izuku walked away his shadow covered allmight as it appeared that he was in the jaws of a creature ready to strike.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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