The scrolls and Training

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Izuku then left the dojo unaware that the scrolls he took would make him a force of nature that very few could resist and would become known throughout the world as those whom he hunted in the future would be shown no mercy.


Izuku then made it back home "Hey Mom I'm home," said Izuku as he ended the apartment "Welcome back sweety dinner will be ready in a minute," said Inko as Izuku nodded as he went to his room and put his bag on the bed and took a shower then ate and he soon rested in his room. Izuku then looked at his bag and remembered the scrolls took them out and looked at them as they were different colors one was blue the other was green and the last one was red.

"Wow even though these scrolls are old they are in amazing condition well if they were in that dojo then that means they must contain martial arts but I never heard of these types of fighting styles maybe it is from a foreign country or something," said Izuku as he went to his computer and looked up the name of one of them and hit the search key. Once Izuku did nothing showed up on the screen "That can't be right" said Izuku as he pressed the search key again but it still showed nothing izuku then decided to go search up the other two scrolls only for it to show nothing.

"No way it's as if these scrolls don't exist but that can't be it can it there might also be the possibility that these are just techniques that were made but never taught," thought Izuku as he kept thinking about various possibilities of the scrolls. Izuku then quickly snapped out of it picked up the blue scroll and carefully opened it "So this one is called Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist man that is a long name," said Izuku as he was reading the context.

As Izuku was reading the scroll he was amazed by the amount of detail that was on it such as the stance you must take and the proper way to use it. "This technique is amazing no it goes far beyond amazing I mean use your opponent's strength against them if this was ever known to the public it would be disastrous good this they are not, if I use this technique then maybe my dream of becoming a hero will finally come true," said Izuku as he made up his mind and practice the technique.

Soon after that izuku looked at the other scrolls and saw they were also unique each one had a different stance and method izuku knew this would be too much for him so focused on the blue scroll which he shortened the name to Crushing Rock. Izuku then made a planner to schedule how much exercise he would do and what he would eat he would strengthen his body first and then practice the technique. Izuku knew he needed a strong body to use crushing rock effectively.

Izuku started his day by waking up an hour early and doing 30 push-ups and sit-ups to start and would gradually do more sets once he was accustomed to it.  From there he would eat his breakfast as he told his mom to make it healthy from there he would jog to school. The first week was torture for izuku as his body was sore and his limbs felt like jelly which made it almost impossible for him to escape from his bakugo and the others. Luckily it was the last day as summer would be starting tomorrow and he could work in peace.

Even though it was tough izuku kept going and pushing himself every day so that his dream would come true he also trained his mind as well and it also helped Inko as she was fat and the reason was she would snack on something worrying about Izuku but now thank to izuku change in eating she was now back to her old self. Three grueling months had passed and izuku body had trained drastically he was just a twig before but now had a body he was wanted.

"Alright now let's see if I have what it takes now," said Izuku as he opened a secret compartment where the scrolls were kept looked through the crushing rock, and tried to mimic what was on the scroll

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Alright now let's see if I have what it takes now," said Izuku as he opened a secret compartment where the scrolls were kept looked through the crushing rock, and tried to mimic what was on the scroll. It turns out it was more difficult than Izuku imagined as he was practicing for a while until he dropped to the floor "Looks like I have to be flexible as well" said Izuku as sat up and went to his workout calendar and put yoga on it.

Izuku trained not only his body but also his mind as well and he read different types of martial arts to help him get used to the movements and improved the way he analyzed quirks. "Looks like I have to go back to school tomorrow well if that is the case I will have to make sure they think I'm still weak," said Izuku as he made preparations and it would not be long until he would be face to face with his idol.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

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