Chapter Four - Challenge (Edited)

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The next morning, I snapped awake with the challenge still in my mind as I skipped toward the dining hall.

"You look happy today."

"Hiya Al."

"What's the reason?"

"Someone's about to make me very happy today." I flashed a grin at the leaders table.
Al followed my gaze to Eric who was sitting at the leaders' table.

"Am I missing something here?"

"You'll see."

"You wanna get a tattoo tonight?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here." Eric.

"Of course not." I say smiling sweetly at him.

He chuckled quietly while Al just looked more confused then ever.

Eric gave me a Tell him glance. I laughed lightly before pulling Al aside. I explained everything. When I finished, his face was pale. He soon explained why and I agreed.


"The first fight will be Rebel against- " Eric started when I walked up to him to explain what Al had said.

"I think we should be the last pair to fight." I whisper to Eric. "If you lose then you'll be all grumpy to everyone else."

"So?" He asked.

"Please." Was all I said. That's when I noticed everyone was staring at us.

Eric opened his mouth to speak, "The first fight will be Rebel against Al."

Thanks but really?! I glare at Eric. Ooh I'm gonna wipe that smile off his face. He won't be that smug for long.

Al and I stand in the ring. Since he's bigger then I am and I don't have a reason to actually hurt him. I guess I'll just cut off his air supply. It's over in less then two minutes. Too easy. I make a note to myself to privately coach him later.


"The last fight of today will be... Rebel against me." There are shocked gasps all around as Eric and I step into the ring. Even Four looks suprised but he knows what Eric will do to him if he argued.

"Go!" He barked instead.

Eric tried to punch me but I slipped under his legs and swept his legs from under him.

"Didn't I tell you to work on your agility?"

There were some shocked snickers from the back of the room.

Eric glared in that general direction and I punched him in the stomach. He leapt at me with a look meant to scare me. I let him pin me down and place his hands around my throat. I then fall limp almost immediately making him think he won.

As soon as his hands loosened, I pin him down and kicked him swiftly on the head, knocking him out cold.


But now was the hard part, getting him to the infirmary.

The Winds of Change: Divergent FanFic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now