Chapter Thirty Three - It's in Your Mind (Pt. 2)

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So basically focus your mind on that person and slip your conscience into his or hers.
Like this?
Yay, annoying voices in my head!
Let's go back to the party, ok?
First I have to change because someone decided it was a good idea to dump water on me.
Sorry Eric. Should we wait for you?
See ya then! Come on Al!
"Wow. That was unexpected." Al seemed a little out of breath.

"You can say that again." Eric walked beside us. We entered the Pit.

"Why's it so quiet?"

Eric opened his mouth, "Where's-"

"It's time to play," the whisper seemed to vibrate the walls and then, "CANDOR OR DAUNTLESS!!"

"Holy shit! Uriah, what the fuck?!"

He was too busy rolling on the floor laughing his face off.

It's time for... the Extreme.

I bit my bottom lip and glanced over at Eric who was straining to keep a straight face at Al's plan.

"Everyone sit in a circle." Four called. "Who wants to go first?"

Al's arms shot up and waved in the air.

"Al." Four said it slowly as if he was afraid of what would happen.

Al stared intensely at Eric who stared right back.


"I dare you to kiss the next person who walks in here." Just then, Max walked in. Eric's eyes widened and he took off his jacket. Laughter rippled through the group.



"Come with me to get that tattoo done." I suddenly remembered I was supposed to get a tattoo of his choice on my arm. With that, he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out.

"Hey Eric, Rebel." A boy called out from the back room.

Eric stiffened abruptly. "You know her?"

"Sorta. I mean, I haven't met you yet obviously but I've heard a lot about you." He looked embarrassed when he said this.

We could get it later.
Now's a good time as any.

"So, I heard you beat Eric in combat. Care to try with me later?"

My face split into a wide grin. "Definitely."

"Do you know what you're going to get?"

"I'm doing this on a dare." I raised my eyebrow at Eric. He stepped up holding a blind fold.

"No peeking."

"Also the size of the tattoo doesn't matter." I remark.

Any on your mind?
Why are you so nice?
I think I trust you.
Ok. How 'bout a quote?
You sure?
Yeah. Why not? Your pick.

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