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Anton pov

"Auoura!" I shout as I watch her set my clothes on fire.

She looks at the fire giggling as my clothes burn.

"Are you crazy!?" I shout putting my face close to hers.

"Bro, you really gotta spit on me?"

"Auoura! Really again, burning my clothes." I scream as she looks at me smiling.

I look at her my eyebrows clutched. "Are you drunk?" I asked her.

She looks at me confused. I smile looking at her.


"Ok, are you a pedoooo?" She asked me as she dragged the word 'pedo.'

"No, no I am not." I said calmly.

"Lair! Y - you were obsessed with me when I was a born baby! B - but it's ok. I was a cute kid." She screamed, her words breaking.

"Well..." I trail off. "when you say it like that it seems bad." I said as she looks at me dumbfolded.

"Let's get you to bed." I said as she frowns.

"But you're clothes aren't done bruning." She pouts as she points at my bringing clothes.

I sigh rubbing the back of my neck.

"This kid." I whisper, I look at Auoura as she dramatically gasps, her right hand on her heart.

She then looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Well guess what you dumb, sick man. You married me, A KID!" She shouts.

I look at her, my eyes soften.

Quickly I wrap my arms around her  waist my lips on hers.

Surprisingly she kisses me back, but she's drunk.

( I KNOW YALL, I HATE THIS. *sighs* But it's whatever *strug* )

I groan as she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my hair.

"I still hate you." She says breaking the kiss.

I smirk. "Oh I know." I said.

"You've shown me men like you like to force people to take care of their needs. So I'll be taking care of my own as well." She says grabbing my arm and drags me inside.

Walking in the room I close the door behind us she pushes me on the bed as she gets on top of me. I lay my hands on her wiast.

( White editing I say 'i hate this author ' but then remember I am the author. *Silently cries in the corner of my room* )

 *Silently cries in the corner of my room* )

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Auoura pov

Sighing as I open my eyes I groan.

My head hurts! I thought.

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