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I decided to do this premise because there are so very few.  I don't consider EK Johnston's m canon other than the handmaidens skills. I was just so disappointed in it... just my opinion. Don't come for me🙈

This will have two parts. Let me know what you think 💜

 Let me know what you think 💜

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Part I

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  She churned the delicate petals laced with honey in the steaming tea, scraping the remnants with the sides of her copper spoon. Settling it back on the saucer, she lifted the porclain floral teacup to her lips, a sigh of contentment following. As the warm liquid coated the walls of her sore throat, it relaxed the strained glands.

It hadn't been on her agenda to come down with a virus. Padmè had insisted she stay back in the Lake Country, rather than accompany her to Theed for the ending sequence of Queen Jamillia's reign. A ceremonial tradition would follow in the coming days, the open plaza congested with the Gungans alongside Nabooians from all walks as a unified front. Festivities just as opulent as the coronations. The air would be filled with the spiced flora of queen hearts, the vibrant ruby petals tossed over the balconies to litter the streets in the heart of Theed.

  As a former Queen now turned Senator, Padmè was formally requested by the Queen herself to accompany her as the old aristocracy gracefully stepped down with a standing ovation, N-1 star fighters left to blaze the skies with jet streams of plasma as a processional send off.

  Queen Neeyutnee would then take her place. Left to ascend the steps of Theed Royal Palace—"the Jewel of Naboo"—and construct a new tower akin to Verunas to commemorate the reign of the first King, Ars Veruna—a sacred longstanding tradition, once a new monarch entered the Royal House of Naboo.

  Motè and Ellè had traveled with her, the very handmaidens Dormé had hired after...Cordé. Though she refused to dwell on that loss too long, the wound far too fresh. Though semi retired, Sabè had seen to it that she was there to escort and had assured Dormè, Padmè would be heavily guarded by the Naboo Royal Guard from any assassination attempts. Amidala remained dearly loved by the people of Naboo, as the planet had flourished abundantly under her reign as the youngest Queen ever elected. For her pivotal role in their victory during the siege involving the Trade Federation, she had the foreseeable honor, of being granted any Nubian skriff for transport.

  However with the galaxy in an upheaval since the start of the Clone Wars, Dormè would still worry about her Lady's welfare.

  The frustration remained palpable in her posture. She'd been specifically trained alongside Gregar Typho, the nephew of Quarsh Panaka, the former Captain of the Royal Naboo Security Forces and had served alongside Amidala himself. Dormè had undertaken a modified handmaiden training at the Academy, hand selected by the now—Captain, to serve the Senator. Thus she became the embodiment of Dormè as Dorra faded to obscurity. Tucked back into the folds of her adolescence with her family of ranchers that resided in the rural mountains of Deeja Peak. Where she'd been spent her formative years.

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