chapter six

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When Y/n woke up, Sebastians front was pressed against her back. He held her close, his right arm wrapped around her waist. She inhaled his scent, it was simply addictive. He smelt of sleep and his heavenly cologne that seemed to make her entire body tingle.

The sun shone down on them trough the green water outside the windows. Y/n carefully turned around in his arms, watching his face. She had never been this close to him before, never noticed how many freckles that was coating his cheeks and nose. His golden skin seemed to shimmer in the sun, chestnut hair messy on his head. His long eyelashes rested on the skin under his eyes. He looked to peaceful as he slept.

He began to stir, breathing deeply as he brought her even closer to him. His lips were resting against her hairline. Y/n smiled, his lips felt so soft against her skin. She got the sudden urge to kiss his neck, but decided against it. Having his arms around her was plenty. She enjoyed the moment, it was so comforting. But the moment was ruined as she realised that they had classes.

Her eyes shot open and she quickly removed his arm from her waist and got out of bed, hurrying to put on her uniform. Sebastian woke up, stretching his body with a moan, the sound making her heart flutter.

"Morning." Sebastian said, his voice raspy from sleeping.

"Good morning Sebastian, you have to get up, we have transfiguration in ten minutes." She said, pulling her nightgown over her head, turning away from Sebastian. She could feel his burning gaze on her bare back, tracking down to her arse, only clothed with a pair of white panties. She quickly pulled a skirt over her legs, putting her white bralette on before the white shirt. She turned towards him, still buttoning her shirt, catching his eyes. The look they held caught her of guard, hunger. She cleared her throat, ignoring the burning feeling in her lower abdomen.

"Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Y/n said, avoiding his gaze. Sebastian seemingly snapped out of his haze, nodding.

"Late, right." He said, getting out of her bed. He quickly conjured his robes, putting them on, Y/n envied his skill in spell craft. "Thank you for letting me sleep here Y/n."

"Of course, are you feeling alright?" Y/n smiled as they hurried through the common room.

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever had such a good nights sleep." He returned the smile, butterflies erupted in Y/n's stomach, a dust of pink spreading over her cheeks. They finally arrived at the transfiguration classroom, right as Natty was about to close the door. She smiled at the two slytherins rushing towards the classroom, opening the door for them.

"That was a close call, you two had a busy night?" Natty teasingly smiled at the two of them. The already present blush deepened on Y/n's cheeks. She began walking towards her usual spot, next to Natty, but Sebastian gently grabbed her hand.

"Sit with me." He shortly said. Y/n glanced at Natty, who nodded, the same teasing grin playing on her lips as she raised her eyebrows up and down. Y/n rolled her eyes at her friend, but still finding her childish expressions quite funny. She followed Sebastian to an empty desk, sitting down.

Professor Weasley began the lesson, today it was going to be completely theoretic. They had 70 minutes to write an essay about when transfiguration was useful and give at least seven examples. The class was long and rather boring Y/n thought, she rarely used the transfiguration spell so she struggled to come up with reasons as to why it was useful.

Glancing at Sebastians parchment she saw that he had already began writing. He had such a beautiful handwriting. The way his hand held a firm grip around the quill, steering the tip to produce words in a cursive font. His hand was so large, it almost engulfed the quill. She wondered how it would feel wrapped around her throat, or how it would knead her arse as he pounded her from behi-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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