Chapter 2: odds and ends

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The boy almost fell over as he dozed off, effectively waking him. He was too invested in his book last night to go to bed and ended up reading under the sheets until at least 1 o'clock in the morning.

Now with a fuzzy headache, the boy stubbornly felt no regret. Absolutely ready to repeat the act again. Who could blame him he had only books to talk to.

His grandmother was often busy either watching tv, baking, or knitting. These few activities would be rotated with the occasional "walk" in the garden. Which was really, just getting to the mail box and back.

He wasn't attached to his grandma, well it's no surprise he had just met her the first time a week ago. Suffice to say his parents weren't very close to the dear lady. The boy couldn't see why, she was perfectly nice.

If he had known there'd be cookies involved, he would not have been so reluctant to visit her. The boy got up and walked into the kitchen where a jar filled with gingersnap cookies resided. He of course grabbed two and went to the garden swing to laze another day away.

He sat there feeling discomfort as he knew he'd never see the city again. His parents were in some odd jobs, and recently chucked him out of the boarding school he attended since he could walk. If there were no visiting events he would barely remember his parents faces.

Since he was between schools, he really did not know what to do with himself. Unbound by the burdens of a strict preparatory schedule.

And as content as he was with his grandma, he really wanted to be unconfined.
The boy longed to just run around recklessly and explore the surrounding wood. Without having to worry about scratches or dirt.
But he stayed put, he didn't want to upset his parents or now grandma. As any disarray on his appearance causes them alarm.

Rubbing the crumbs off his hands he let out a agitated sigh before reentering the house. He was used to confinement, he shouldn't be dramatic he quietly told himself.

Yet after seeing such evergreen hills and poppy flowers. He was lured into discontent as they were all just so inviting.

His thoughts jumped around all the topics he could muster. Finding anything to occupy his mind. Yet when he thought to much, he ended up missing his parents, so he decided to drown in another book.

Subconsciously he thought 'would they come back for me?'

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