Chapter 7: Eventually

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His anger simmering, he refused to look at the other, as he shouted "Leave! Your not welcome here." While swiftly reentering his log and slamming the door. Leaving the strange fairy, with the letter in his hand alone.

Said fairy, boldly explained his urgency, stating "I am not to leave until you receive your message Mr. Goppet. Regarding the nature of it, I highly suggest you review it." Standing his ground the messenger lingered by the door. Dedicated in completing his mission.

Still conflicted, Dew opened the door and snatched the letter out of the others hand. At this point, he couldn't deny that he felt detached, like a dandelion fluff floating pointlessly in the air for too many reasons. The initial shock of it all, wasn't settling in.

Without a word, he reentered his log and shut the door. Hoping, for much needed privacy. Dew silently pulled the ring off of the letter, and unrolled it, fighting the urge to wail in utter confusion.

Dew took another deep breath, willing his hands to stop shaking. Eventually reading the small letter he saw this:

To Dew Goppet,
         It is time for you to take part in your role. I have sent Frost my trusted guard, to escort in your journey. I shall be expecting you in a 3 weeks time. As for the ring, it is to be yours as was requested by your mother.

      Mr. Hibernaly Esq. of the Northern Hills

Crumpling the message with contempt, Dew internally screamed. How could he obnoxiously call Dew to be of use, even though he himself was never present, leaving his mother and him with nothing but the consequences of his actions.

Still Dew was more than bewildered. Who was Mr. Hibernaly, Dew never knew anyone outside of his village, forget the North hills.

But the message was clear.
This man that calls him son, must be his father in one of his many personas. His mother had told him that his father was a witty and handsome trader that passed through her small village. As she was smitten, she married him without a doubt, despite all the objections from her family.

'He never even sent a note, but now after so many years, he randomly sends a letter?' Dew thought, pondering the bizarre circumstance.
He didn't know what his father could truly want now.

He had to play this right, he did not want to go. Dew knew that he would have to avoid the guard outside. He was sure, that if this guy would travel all this way for his father, then he definitely was dedicated. And that was going to be an irritating obstacle.

Nervously pulling at his shirt strings, his mind was already busy thinking of ways to get out of it. Dew made a quick plan thinking 'i'll hide away for a month or so, this man should leave by then right?'

The guy outside patiently waited making no sound. He was so discreet no one would even know he was there.
The fairy must have heard Dew's anguished pacing. As he asked through the door "should we discuss your day of departure Mr. Goppet?"

Dew panicked he couldn't possibly go to the north. He wanted nothing to do with his father, seeing that he still used fake names, it was more than plausible for him to still be in dirty business. Dew was not about to throw away all the work he put into this village.

But he knew that this guy would not take no for an answer. So instead he decided to pretend to comply.

He collected himself with difficulty, but once steady, he opened the door and let the man in. His lovely log contaminated he thought. Hiding it with a neutral expression he told the guy that they would leave the next week. As the man oddly glanced around the room, his interest being interpreted as judgement by Dew.

He told the guy named Frost to leave and pick him up the morning of the journey. Dew was hoping he could disappear by then.
Which the icy guard easily agreed to stating "very well, I'll be here that morning to help you prepare Mr. Goppet." Then he was turning with fluidity and making his way out of the log.

Dew started planning his route immediately, figuring he could hide away in the marshes until this passes. As yucky as it was, Dew would rather be there than with his father.

He quickly started arranging the things he would need, while trying to quiet his frazzled nerves.

That very night, the guy named Frost was no where in sight. Dew in his desperate situation, didn't give it another thought.
Quickly grabbing his prepared satchel, he was fully determined to survive. He left his fathers ring on his desk, as it proved nothing but a burden. With a lingering glance, he pushed the guilt aside, telling himself that the guard could just come and take it back, should his father want it.

Dew waited until it was completely pitch black dark, then softly snuck out of the log. The sounds of his chimes were quiet as there was practically no wind, while the smell of night grass completely surrounded him.

He went no farther than ten steps before a pair of strong arms grabbed him from behind. "He did say you might be reluctant, Mr. Goppet" The deep voice muttered in his ear, amusement poorly hidden in his tone. Dew struggled like any would, trying to get free.
But to no avail, by now the man had skillfully tied his hands back. Holding on to the adjacent rope, Dew felt like a stupid pathetic moth. Dew hadn't even heard the pursuit. Which was worrying because he was always proud of relying on his senses, whenever he was on a job.

In despair, Dew realized he was well and truly defeated.

The rest of the night he was unable to leave the scrutinizing gaze of the guard. As Frost kindled the fireplace. Dew secretly struggled with the rope tied to his bedpost. Stopping only when Frost glanced his way with a twinkle in his cold eyes. In that moment Dew wanted to poke them.

"You know it's rude to start a fire in another fairies home without permission don't you?" Dew pointed out.

Frost coldly said "would you rather freeze Mr. Goppet?" Continuing with his task.

Dew didn't know what to say. As he was busy trying to think of ways to disarm the man, should he need to.
After a few hours Dew gave up coming up with ideas regarding the situation and slouched in his place on his bed. Shifting his focus to getting information instead.

He hesitantly spoke up saying "how do you know Mr. Hibernaly?"

Without a pause, Frost moved his eyes to the wooden figures in the shelves for a few odd seconds, before quietly breaking the silence with "he is my leader, and mentor." Frost seem to consider his answer sufficient, as he put his carrier bag aside and said "we leave tomorrow." Without another word he sat down on the floor and crossed his arms while leaning his head back. Dew couldn't believe he was planning on sleeping on the floor, and upright at that.
With a quiet grumble, Dew thought 'look what you did Dew, now your stuck with another crazy.'

He did consider attacking the guard, but with no hands, that plan was found impossible to accomplish.

This was irritating Dew to no end. It was going to be hard for Dew to weasel his way out, but he reasoned that since Frost needs him, he most likely won't kill him. So Dew chose to try to sleep in hopes of another opportunity tomorrow.

Dew, would have to come up with a new plan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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